Issue-23, February 20, 2006

From the Editor

This issue contains lots of call for papers and conference information.  I should also note the number of special issues being put out by Feminist Economics; if editors of other heterodox journals want to have their ‘wares’ noted in the newsletter please send the material to me.  In the same light, the newsletter is also carrying links to the ISEE and EAEPE newsletters which people should take a look at; if other heterodox associations would like me to carry a link to your newsletters please let me know.  Finally, in the future newsletters I’ll be providing links to some interesting archive material in the history of heterodox economics.  The first will be the Review of Heterodox Economics.

Fred Lee


In this issue:

- Call for Papers

          - 2006 Left Forum
          - The Ninth International Post Keynesian Conference
          - 2006 Interdisciplinary Graduate Summer School in Post Keynesian, Institutionalist and
Feminist Economics
          - EUNIP Exploratory Workshop
          - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) 2006 Conference
          - Institutional History of Economics Research Area
          - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
          - Association for Evolutionary Economics
          - UK History of Economic Thought Annual Conference 2006
          - Frontiers of Environmental Economics
          - 15th Annual IAFFE Conference
          - HETSA Conference 2006
          - International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)
Conferences, Seminars and Lectures

          - Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS)
          - European Studies- King's College,London
          - University of Alabama at Birmingham
          - 2006 CHORD Workshop
          - Global Development Forum 8
          - Economics Department Seminar Series, City University London
          - The 5th SCEME workshop

- Job Postings for Heterodox Economists

         - Junior Researcher Economics and Ethics
         - INRA, SAE2 (Department of Social Sciences), MOISA
         - Semester at Sea
         - Strategic Researcher Openings in the Labor Movement
         - One Week Summer Session at Cornell

- Heterodox Journals and Newsletters

           - Feminist Economics- Special Issue on Gender and Aging
           - Feminist Economics- Special Issue on Women and Wealth
           - Feminist Economics- Special Issue on Aids, Sexuality and Development
           - International Society of Ecological Economics
           - The Talking Economics Bulletin
           - EAEPE Newsletter

- Heterodox Books and Book Series      

           - The Economics and Ethics of the Basic Income Guarantee
           - The Global Class War
           - Conjuring Hitler: How Britian and America Made the Third Reich
           - New Books from Anthem Press
           - Marxian Reproduction Schema

- Heterodox Graduate Program and PhD Scholarships
           - Labour Studies and Globalization Programme
           - University of Liverpool- Fully Funded M.Phil/PhD Scholarship 2006-9

- Heterodox Associations, Institutes, and Departments     

           - Women in Social & Economic Research (formerly WEPAU)


 Call for Papers

2006 Left Forum

Here is more information as well as registration details regarding the 2006 Left Forum (successor to the Socialist Scholars Conference held annually in New York City). March 10-12 "2006 Left Forum" based on whatever you wish to take from the conference website ( ), I would be most grateful. There will be many "economics" panels and presenters

The Ninth International Post Keynesian Conference

The University of Missouri – Kansas City, The Center for Full Employment and Price Stability and The Journal of Post Keynesian Economics are pleased to host "The Ninth International Post Keynesian Conference".


When: September 15-19, 2006
Where: Kansas City, MISSOURI

For detailed information: CallForPapers.doc

2006 Interdisciplinary Graduate Summer School in Post Keynesian, Institutionalist and Feminist Economics

Call for Students and Faculty (June 16-24, 2006)
Kansas City, Missouri USA
Call for Students: 
Call for Faculty:

For more information::

EUNIP Exploratory Workshop on Democratic Globalisation

It was agreed at the 8th EUNIP International Conference to organise a EUNIP Exploratory Workshop on Democratic Globalisation: Innovative Policies for Enhancing Economic Participation and Governance. This event will take place at the University of Limerick, Ireland, on Monday 19th June. (The event is deliberately planned for immediately prior to the 9th EUNIP International Conference, organised and hosted by the University of Limerick from Tuesday 20th June to Thursday 22nd June, thereby enabling participants at the Workshop to remain in Limerick for the Conference.)
For detailed information: EUNIPExpWshop06AnnouncementFeb06.doc

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) 2006 Conference

Istanbul/Turkey, November, 2-4, 2006

Call for papers

Developing Economies; Multiple Trajectories, Multiple Developments

One of the most salient aspects of the contemporary globalization process is the widely shared understanding of the economy as an autonomous domain isolated from the cultural, political and social domains. Both the economists who advocate exclusively market-oriented policies and the social scientists who take the dominant discourse in economics as given, agree that matters pertaining to the ‘economy’ has to be left to the ‘experts’.

In practice, this process has led to the treatment of different economies as homogenous entities and this has been particularly harmful for the developing economies. However, as the problems associated with the globalizing market forces have become increasingly difficult to overlook, the analysis of the evolution of and diversity between national trajectories has become one of the biggest challenges faced by social scientists in general and political economists in particular.

The need for an interdisciplinary, multiple level research agenda in order to put together an integrated analytical framework has been recognized, but the challenge is far from being met. Development studies constitute one important area where the attempts made to understand the complexity of the evolutionary process could be especially fruitful.

The need for multiplicity is to be met through the integration of a broad range of categories into the analysis. A suggestive list of these categories may be:
- market regulation
- market structure (sectoral/inter-sectoral, labor/product)
- governance
- role/implication of the public sector
- fairness, justice, distribution
- labor market regulation and welfare systems
- financial sector
- international context (insertion, interaction).

These issues may be treated at different levels: as theoretical/empirical, micro/macro/meso, comprehensive analysis/case study, comparative studies/ historical analysis.
At these different levels, the common aim would be the reappraisal of the multiplicity of development processes in a political economy framework. The development of a wide range of tools for economic analysis drawing on the recent theoretical and empirical analyses could be helpful in giving a new impetus to the area and to bring about a greater range of choice in policy design.

Submission of Proposals:

We invite proposals for papers or sessions that address themes situated in the above mentioned categories.
We also invite proposals for the topics on the Research Areas; in that case please indicate the closest research area in which your proposal is situated. (see: or the newsletter).

For papers: upload a 600-1000 word abstract to (conferences-abstracts) by April 30 of 2006 (The upload facility will be operational as off 10 February 2006). Send your abstract in any case to the general secretary of EAEPE John Groenewegen  and to the chair of the scientific committee Ahmet Insel 

For sessions: Please send your proposal to Economic Department of Galatasaray University at: . For questions concerning the sessions please contact Ahmet Insel, the programme organizer, at:  or  .

The program of accepted papers will be published in the July Newsletter.

A final version of accepted papers will be requested by August 31 of 2006, in order for papers to be included in the proceedings, published on CD-Rom.

See for information concerning the conference.

Please note that you have to be an EAEPE member in order to attend the Conference. Payments should be made in euros by credit card (provide number and expiry date) or bank transfer. If you do not have the 2006 conference booking form or the 2006 EAEPE membership form, please download it from .

Institutional History of Economics Research Area

EAEPE's Institutional History of Economics Research Area invites paper proposals that contribute to one of its following seven theoretical perspectives:

(1) The approach to analysis is based on an evaluation of relevant tendencies and linkages in actual economics - instead of a methodology that sanctifies fictions and diverts attention from the difficult task of analyzing the practice and culture of economics.

(2) The analysis is open-ended and interdisciplinary in that it draws upon relevant material in psychology, anthropology, politics, and history - instead of a definition of history of economics in terms of a rigid method that is applied indiscriminately to a wide variety of economic approaches.

(3) The conception of economics is of a cumulative and evolutionary process unfolding in historical time in which economists are faced with chronic information problems and radical uncertainty about the future - instead of approaches to theorizing that focus exclusively on the product of this process.

(4) The concern is to address and encompass the interactive, social process through which economics is formed and changed - instead of a theoretical framework that takes economists and their interests as given.

(5) It is appropriate to regard economics itself as a social institution, necessarily supported by a network of other social institutions - instead of an orientation that takes economics itself as an ideal or natural order and as a mere aggregation of individual economists.

(6) It is evaluated how the socio-economic system is embedded in a complex ecological and environmental system - instead of a widespread tendency to ignore ecological and environmental considerations or consequences in the history of economics.

(7) The inquiry seeks to contribute not only to history of economics but also to economics - instead of an orthodox outlook that ignores the possibility of such cross-fertilization.

Preference will be given to original accounts, based on detailed archival or other research, aimed at yielding rich, sophisticated, understandings. Hence, papers that "do it" instead of those that "talk about doing it" are favored.

To participate, please submit a proposal containing 600-1000 words and indicating clearly the sense in which the paper contributes to one of the theoretical perspectives of the research area.

The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 15 APRIL 2006. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent on or before 15 MAY 2006. Completed papers are due on 31 AUGUST 2006.

All proposals and requests for information should be sent to:

Esther-Mirjam Sent

Department of Economics
Nijmegen School of Management
University of Nijmegen
PO Box 9108
NL-6500 HK Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Phone: +31-24-3611252
Fax: +31-24-3612379

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy

the 1st EAEPE Symposium

Social and Political Economy of Labor: New Dimensions

Thursday, June 29 – Saturday, July 1, 2006
at the Saint-Petersburg State University,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

For detailed information: EAEPE_Petersburg.doc

Association for Evolutionary Economics

Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 5-7, 2007

Program Chair: Glen Atkinson
Department of Economics
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557
Telephone – (775) 784-6678
Fax – (775) 784-4728
E-mail –

AFEE invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels for the 2007 AFEE conference. The theme of the AFEE program will be:

Contributions of Institutional Economics to Public Policy Debates: Past and Present

Institutional economics scholars have been involved for decades in research that concerns labor, immigration, regulation of industry, social security, international trade and finance, economic development, and much more. Most of these issues are of continuing interest along with more recent policy debates such as the environment, energy, women’s role in the economy, health care, private pensions and economies in transition.

These papers must be grounded in and contribute to the literature of Original Institutional Economics in the tradition of Commons, Veblen, Mitchell, Kapp, Myrdal, Polanyi, etc.

Proposals on institutional/evolutionary theory and methodology will be considered. Indeed, papers that relate investigations of policy issues to the development of institutional/evolutionary theory will be most welcome.

The deadline for submission of proposals for papers and sessions is March 31, 2006. I will try to inform authors whether their proposals have been accepted by April 30, 2006. If the program chair has not acknowledged receipt of your paper or panel proposal within two weeks, please contact the program chair.

Proposals for panels may contain up to five papers, and must include relevant details of all papers to be presented (see below). Constraints imposed by the Allied Social Science Association severely limit the number of sessions allocated to AFEE. AFEE deeply regrets that it will be necessary to turn down many good proposals.

In considering your topic and preparing your abstract, please keep in mind that you will have no more than twenty minutes to present your paper. Furthermore, if you wish your paper to be considered for publication in the June 2007 Journal of Economic Issues, the text of your paper cannot exceed 2,850 words. You will be allowed two pages of references and two pages of tables, or figures. The deadline for submission for the June JEI is December 5, 2006. JEI submission details will be provided to authors whose proposals are accepted for the conference.

At least one of the authors of any paper must be a member of AFEE. Contact  for membership information.

Proposals for papers or panels must be submitted by March 31, 2006 to . The following information must be submitted:

a- Name(s) of author(s)
b- Professional affiliation(s)
c- Email address of corresponding author
d- Mailing address of corresponding author
e- Title of proposed paper
f- Abstract of 100 to 200 words
g- Your willingness to serve as a discussant or session chair (specify field)

UK History of Economic Thought Annual Conference 2006

( )

Call for Papers - Deadline: Friday 28th April 2006

The Annual UK History of Economic Thought Conference will be hosted by the University of Brighton Business School, and will be held in Mithras House from Wednesday 13th September until Friday 15th September 2006.

If you are interested in presenting a paper on any topic concerning the history of economic thought then please send an abstract (of around 300 words) to Dr. Walter Heering, either by e-mail , or by conventional post to:

Dr. Walter Heering
University of Brighton Business School
Mithras House
Lewes Road
East Sussex BN2 4AT

Please ensure that abstracts are received by: Friday 28th April 2006

Frontiers of Environmental Economics

Resources for the Future will host a special conference on "The Frontiers of Environmental Economics" in Washington, DC on February 26-27, 2007.
For detailed information: frontiers.doc

15th Annual IAFFE Conference

IAFFE is pleased and excited to let you know that the 15th Annual IAFFE Conference will take place 7-9 July 2006 in Sydney, Australia.
The conference will be hosted by the University of Sydney, at which Australia's first ever course in feminist economics was taught in 1973.
This will be the first IAFFE conference close to South East Asia and we look forward to our members and associates from this area to contribute their expertise and concerns. For many the travel to Sydney will imply a substantial journey as well as an unique opportunity to explore this country. Since both require time to prepare, we want to bring this conference to your attention sooner rather than later, and look forward to working with you to make this conference a success. So start saving those frequent flier miles! Built around a magnificent harbour, Sydney is a multicultural metropolis of more than four million people.

The International Association for Feminist Economics is pleased to inform you that the 15th Annual IAFFE Conference will take place 7-9 July 2006 in Sydney, Australia.

The conference will be hosted by the University of Sydney. Gabrielle Meagher in the School of Economics and Political Science at the University of Sydney is the local contact person,  .

This will be the first IAFFE conference close to South East Asia and we look forward to our members and associates from this area to contribute their expertise and concerns.


* Women in the Australian Economy
* Indigenous women and economic participation
* Regional concerns in a global economy
* Feminist economics education
* Transnationalism, migration and trafficking
* Women's economic history & history of economics
* Human rights, economic rights and citizenship
* Mainstreaming feminist economics and gender sensitive budgeting
* Women and the informal economy
* Limits to the market: the role of households, governments and communities
* The economics of transition and crises
* IAFFE invites innovative insights from all disciplines to contribute to the development of feminist approaches to economics.

The International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), founded in 1992, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research and action on economic issues of concern to women, children, and men worldwide. IAFFE has members in over 45 countries. While the majority of IAFFE's members are economists, the group also includes scholars in other disciplines, students, activist and policy makers. In addition to holding annual conferences on feminist economics, IAFFE also publishes Feminist Economics.

The IAFFE website,  , has a complete listing of the latest IAFFE activities.
For detailed information: cfp-sydney-07-26-05.pdf

HETSA Conference 2006

‘Rummaging through the golden threads of the history of economic thought’

The 19th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia
When: 4 -7 July, 2006
Where: Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Venue: Historic Craig’s Royal Hotel in the heart of Ballarat

The School of Business at the University of Ballarat is pleased to host this exciting convention of some of Australia’s finest minds meeting in one of Australia’s most famous and historic towns. A city visited in the past by such iconic figures as Mark Twain, R.L.S. Trollope, Henry George and Stanley Jevons; and in our own time Geoff Harcourt, Michael White and even Milton Friedman.

This year all papers submitted by the relevant deadlines will be referred on request and will meet DEST requirements. Please clearly mark on the front of your paper "For Review" if you choose to have it referred for DEST requirements. (Other papers will be accepted but not referred). We welcome anyone who is willing to put together their own session.
ALL abstracts and papers should be submitted electronically to Jerry Courvisanos at: .
Deadline for Abstracts: 25 April 2006
Deadline for Papers: 31 May 2006

• Two major international keynote speakers: Professor Fred S. Lee (University of Missouri- Kansas City) and Geoff Harcourt. See details below.
• Conference venue at historic hotel in Ballarat City: Royal Hotel.
• Welcome to Ballarat cocktail evening Tuesday 4th July.
• Visit places around Ballarat where the intellectual and economic wealth of the Australian nation began: Mechanics Institute, Eureka Stockade, Gold Mining Museum and Archives.
• “Blood on the Southern Cross” evening show and dinner at Sovereign Hill Museum.
• Sumptuous succulent conference dinner with Ballarat balladeers on Lake Wendouree foreshore and opposite the Botanical Gardens.
• The best in surrounds, foods and conviviality.
• Celebration of the 25th year of HETSA.

Details are now available on our website:

For more information contact:
Jerry Courvisanos                                or                         Alex Millmow                                
phone: (03) 5327 9417                                            (office) (03) 5327 9057, 0407 485 860 (mobile)

Major International Keynote Speakers

Professor Frederic S. Lee
Prof. Lee received his Ph.D. in economics from Rutgers University in 1983. He has taught at University of California-Riverside, Roosevelt University, De Montfort University, and is currently teaching at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Fred works in the areas of history of heterodox economics and in heterodox microeconomic theory. He is currently completing a book of essays on the history of heterodox economics in the 20th Century. Fred organized an international conference on the history of heterodox economics. His recent publications in the area of history of economics are found in the Journal of Economic Issues, Review of Radical Political Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, History of Economics Review, Capital and Class, and Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. Finally, Fred edits the more than monthly newsletter, "Heterodox Economics Newsletter" which can be found on the web.

Geoff Harcourt O.A. F.A.S.S.A.

The evergreen Geoff Harcourt needs no introduction to Australian audiences. Born and bred in Melbourne he attended the university there as a resident of Queen’s College. After earning his doctorate at Cambridge in the late fifties he returned to Australia to take up a lectureship at the University of Adelaide. He was appointed to a personal chair in 1967. However Cambridge and his association with the leading economists of that school still beckoned. In 1982 he accepted a fellowship at Jesus College and a university lectureship in economics. He was also appointed to an ad hominem readership in the history of economic theory at Cambridge in 1990. He bills himself ‘an Australian patriot and a Cambridge economist’. Still very much research active Geoff will be talking from his long awaited book on ‘The Structure of Post Keynesian economics: the core contributions of the pioneers’. Geoff attended the first HETSA conference in 1981.

International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)

You are invited by the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) to participate in the IAFFE conference to be held in conjunction with the Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) meetings.
When: The conference will be January 5-7, 2007. Proposals/abstracts must be submitted no later than April 1, 2006 to be considered for the conference.
Where: Chicago, Illinois USA
What: Abstracts (or papers) and proposals for sessions are invited for IAFFE sessions and jointly sponsored sessions at the ASSA meetings in January 2007. IAFFE will have three sessions and will endeavor to again jointly sponsor sessions with other organizations such as the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE), the Association for Social Economics (ASE), the History of Economics Society (HES), the Labour and Employment Relations Society (LERA), the Association for the Study of the Grants Economy (ASGE) and Economists for Peace and Security (EPS).
For detailed information: iaffe_assa_07_cfp.pdf


Conferences, Seminars and Lectures

Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS)

London School of Economics:

Thursday 2 March 5:00-7:00 pm
Erik Angner, University of Alabama at Birmingham
"Hayek and the Natural Law tradition: A new look at his work on culturalevolution"

Monday, 20 March 5:00- 7:00 pm
Roy Rotheim, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
"Keynes and the New Keynesians"

Both will take place in the CPNSS seminar room, T206, Second Floor, Lakatos Building, LSE, Portugal Street, London.

European Studies- King's College,London

Conference on Capitalism and its Critiques

Saturday 25 March 2006

Luc Boltanski, Eve Chiapello, Tony Mcgrew, Robert Wade, Sam Ashman, Alex Callinicos

Luc Boltanski's and Eve Chiapello's The New Spirit of Capitalism, a highly praised study of the transformation of capitalism in the last third of the twentieth century, appeared in France in 1999. The English translation of what Le Monde called a 'vast and ambitious work, which is inscribed in a great tradition of theoretical and critical sociology', was published by Verso on 1 February. This conference will offer an opportunity for a discussion in Britain of Boltanski's and Chiapello's work, as well as for a broader discussion of globalization by some of its leading analysts.

Funded with the assistance of the Institut Français

10.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Saturday 25 March 2006.
Venue: Room 2C, King's College, London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Attendance free, but registration in advance requested. For further information and registration, contact Chantelle Punch, European Studies, French Department, King's College, London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS. Email:  Tel: 020 7848 2468

University of Alabama at Birmingham


May 19 - 21, 2006


Dan Hausman, Alex Rosenberg, Uskali Maki, Kevin Hoover, James Woodward,
Nancy Cartwright, Paul Humphreys, John Davis, Jack Vromen, Stan Du
Plessis, Francesco Guala, Cristina Bichierri, Erik Angner, Martin
Wittenberg, Don Ross, Esther-Mirjam Sent, Harold Kincaid, Partha
Dasgupta, Keith Dowding, Philip Mirowski

For housing & registration, go to:

No registration fee

2006 CHORD Workshop

Commerce and Fashion, 1500-2000
8 March 2006
CHORD (the Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution) invites all interested researchers to a workshop devoted to the discussion of the relationship between commerce, retailing, fashion and fashionable consumption between 1500 and 2000.
The provisional programme includes:
13.00 - 14.00 Welcome and lunch
14.00 - 14.30 Kay Staniland, Fine Silks for the Fashionable 1662-4
14.40 - 15.10 Éva Deák, Clothes for an Early Modern Princely Household: The Account Book of Prince Gabriel Bethlen
15.10 - 15.40 Coffee
15.40 - 16.10 Clare Rose, Fashionable Advertising for Fashionable Clothing
16.15 - 16.45 Jessica Bush, Art in Retail
For more information, including abstracts and registration form, see the workshop web-page:
The workshop will be held at: the University of Wolverhampton
The fee is £ 9. Please make cheques payable to 'the University of Wolverhampton' and send to the address below.
For further information, please contact Dr Laura Ugolini, HAGRI, MC233, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SB, UK. E-mail:
CHORD web-pages:

Global Development Forum 8 

St James's Church, Piccadilly - 7pm

1st March


Chair: Lord Joffe, former Chairman of OXFAM
Mr Myles Wickstead, Secretary to the Africa Commission; Professor Lord
Desai, Director of the Centre for Global Governance, London School of
Economics; Mr Dapo Oyewole, Centre for African Policy and Peace Strategy; Mr
Anver Versi, Editor, African Business

The Africa Commission reported in March 2005. A year on, what impact did its
work have?

(Please note that this meeting will start at 7.30 pm)

8th March


Mr Duncan Green, head of research at OXFAM; Mr Philippe Legrain; Ms Claire
Melamed, Trade Policy Adviser at Christian Aid; Ms Sheila Page, ODI.

The Doha round of the World Trade Organisation seems to be in deep trouble.
Could it be rescued to become a force for development?

15th March


Chair: Martin Bell, OBE, writer and broadcaster
Rt Hon Clare Short, PC, MP, former Secretary of State for International
Development; Mr Jonathan Aitken, former Cabinet Minister

Can we expect our government ever to pursue any ethical dimension into
foreign policy? Was Clemenceau correct when he said that nations have no
permanent alliances, only permanent interests?

22nd March


Chair: Dr Camilla Toulmin, Director of the International Institute for
Environment and Development
Mr David Nicholson-Lord, Optimum Population Trust; Professor Chris Rapley,
director of the British Antarctic Survey

A few years ago slowing down the growth of population was seen as the key
issue of world poverty. Is this one of the hidden issues that cannot be

29th March


Chair: Baroness Uddin, House of Lords
Mr Austin Mitchell, MP, Chair of the Labour Euro-Safeguards Campaign; Mr
Tony Colman, former MP for Putney

Will the accession of the new countries, none of them with any obligations
towards former colonies, signal the end of the interest of the European
Union in the development of the South?


All debates start at 7pm, except for the one on 1st March that starts at
7.30pm. About half of the evening is devoted to a period for discussion with
the public. The debates end at 8.30pm (on 1st March it ends at 9pm).
Information is continually updated on the website. An application form for
tickets is also available on the website. Admission is by previously booked
ticket. This information was correct at the time we went to press, 1st
February 2006

Economics Department Seminar Series, City University London
Dr. Andy Denis is looking for people willing to give a seminar in this series (see below) but on a topic in the area of history and philosophy of economics, and heterodox economics.  Please consider next term and indeed the one after, ie autumn term 2006-2007. Please send expressions of interest to him in the first instance. His e-mail address is

Period 2 2005/6

Time: Wednesdays 4.30 - 5.30pm
Venue: School of Social Sciences
Lower Ground floor DLG08 unless otherwise indicated
Social Science Building
Corner of Whiskin Street and St John Street

For directions see:

Economics Seminars are open to anyone who is interested. There is no need to book, if you plan to attend a session - just turn up.

February 22nd
DLG08 - Dr Carlos Santos, University of Oxford, "A new class of Super Exogeneity Tests: Accounting for Unknown Break Dates"

March 1st
DLG08- Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis, LSE - European Institute, "Macro-determinants of UK regional unemployment and the role of employment flexibility"

March 8th
DLG08- Prof. Simon Price, Bank of England, "Forecast combinations and the Bank of England's Suite of Statistical Forecasting Models"

March 15th
DLG08- Prof Chris Brooks, CASS Business School, TBC

March 22nd
DLG08- Alistair McGuire, LSE, TBC

Seminar organiser:
Dimitrios Asteriou

The 5th SCEME workshop

The 5th SCEME workshop will be held in Stirling on Friday 5 May, on the topic 'Methods for Realist Economics'. Offers of contributions are welcome, up to 24th March. For further details, please go to


Job Postings for Heterodox Economists

Junior Researcher Economics and Ethics

The group of Economic Theory and Policy at Radboud University Nijmegen has a position available for a junior researcher (PhD candidate). Economics in Nijmegen is characterized by ‘more than economy’. This approach places economic analysis in the context of ethics, history, philosophy, methodology and institutions. Members of the group build bridges between economics and other social sciences, between theory and policy, and between economics and ethics.

Candidates for this position are encouraged to propose a research topic. This may be theoretical (for example, the moral dimensions of rationality), or empirical and policy-oriented (for example, how policies of deregulation and liberalization contribute to the phenomenon of the ‘calculating citizen’). It is advised to submit a short research proposal (maximum of 1000 words).

- MA economics
- Demonstrable interest in ethics (options, thesis)

For more information, please contact Prof. Irene van Staveren, professor on the Chair of Economics and Christian Ethics. Phone: 00-31-24-3612754 (secretariat of the Economics Department). E-mail: 

Deadline 31 March 2006. Please send your letter, vita and proposal by e-mail or to:
I.P. van Staveren
Professor of Economics and Christian Ethics
Radboud University Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9108
6500 HK Nijmegen
The Netherlands

INRA, SAE2 (Department of Social Sciences), MOISA

Location : Montpellier, France
Junior full time scholar
Institutional Economics

Job details

INRA MOISA  applications for a 2nd class junior full time scholar position in Institutional Economics to begin July 1st 2006.

MOISA (Markets, Organizations, Institutions and Actors’ strategies) is a public joint research laboratory involved in social sciences (Economics, Management and Socio-anthropology). MOISA is made up of about 25 PhD students and 50 researchers and teachers from three research institutes (INRA, IRD, CIRAD) and two agronomic universities (ENSAM, IAMM).

MOISA aims at exploring how individual and collective strategies interact with organizations and institutions in the agriculture and agri-food systems of a variety of developed and developing countries. It focuses on situations with radical changes, in particular in consumer preferences, trade globalization and public Institutions.

MOISA benefits from a stimulating environment with more than 200 social scientists, focusing on development issues and organized within Agropolis, a federation of local University and Research Centres groups located in Montpellier. MOISA members have therefore many opportunities to participate in education activities at different University levels. Moreover, MOISA has partners in many national and international networks.

Qualifications :
1. PhD in industrial economics or institutional economics
2. Solid background in econometrics and strong capacity in formal modelling
3. Evidence of some experience in empirical econometric analysis. Applications in food and agriculture domains would be welcome but are not required.
4. Evidence of some sensitivity to primary data building and collecting
5. French language fluency is not a requisite for native English-speaking candidates
6. communication skills and capacity to work in a team

Research program assignment : The candidate will conduct his research within the Moisa global line of research on Market Institutions. More specifically, he will focus on market intermediaries or intermediation devices which aim to facilitate transactions or to monitor/enforce quality standards. He will study how such devices emerge and stabilize and to what extent they are efficient in minimizing transaction costs in agricultural or agri-food markets. His research will take place within the MOISA scientific program, thus benefiting from the diversity of approaches and the expertise accumulated in empirical fields such as fresh produce and wine industries in a variety of Mediterranean and developing countries, supermarket procurement systems in developing countries…

To apply, please refer to the INRA candidate guidelines.

It is noteworthy that, since November 1st 2005, no age limit is required any more to candidate for this kind of position. Most important dates are :
- submission deadline for completed application package (including administrative and scientific files) : February 27th 2006
- preselection : april-may 2006
- oral tests (in Paris) : may-june 2006
Jean-Marie CODRON

Semester at Sea

Michael Maniates is looking to fill a one-semester faculty position in Economics or International Political Economy for the Spring 2007 sailing of Semester at Sea . SAS is associated with the University of Virginia; it's essentially a floating liberal-arts college that does semester long round-the-world voyages with 700 undergraduates, 30 faculty, and a full support staff on a modern (2002) reconfigured cruise ship (said to be the fastest passenger ship on the planet).

See  for an overview of the program. You may also wish to review the Economics/IPE courses that have been taught in the recent past on the ship (course descriptions and syllabi are available on the SAS site).

The teaching load is three courses (22 class meetings during the 100 day voyage). The right candidate for the job will have considerable latitude in designing his/her three undergraduate courses, in consultation with me. We're 50 days at sea and 50 days in port (Puerto Rico, Brazil, South Africa, Mauritius, India, Burma, Vietnam, China, Japan) -- and thus the most effective courses will combine disciplinary rigor with an appreciation of the instructional opportunities afforded by the itinerary. For an overview of faculty responsibilities and remuneration, see  We depart from Florida in mid-January and return in late-April, 2007.

Interested parties should have a look at the SAS website and then contact me directly at  with questions and expressions of interest. I'm trying to wrap this all up in the next month or so; if you're possibly interested, in other words, be in touch with me sooner rather than later.

On a personal note, I've sailed as a faculty member twice before: Around the world in Spring 2001, and through the Baltic in the Summer of 2005. For me, these were "peak experiences." But then, I enjoy traveling, really loved being able to bring my family along, and have worked closely with undergraduate students for many years. And there's something about sailing into Capetown at dawn, or steaming slowly upriver to Ho Chi Minh City...

Contact Information:
Michael Maniates
Allegheny College 

Strategic Researcher Openings in the Labor Movement

Strategic researchers investigate issues, analyze data, and help develop strategies as part of union organizing campaigns. Current job openings range from entry to senior levels and involve a wide range of applied field research activities in fast-paced campaign environments with different unions across the country.

There are current or anticipated researcher openings in Albuquerque, Boston, Chicago, Washington (DC), Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and San Francisco. (These locations will change as positions are filled and new ones open up.)

To help fill these openings, the AFL-CIO Center for Strategic Research maintains a RESEARCHER RESUME POOL which is consulted regularly by union hiring managers when filling researcher vacancies around the country. The researcher resume pool is an excellent way to get application materials in front of hiring managers, whether you're a veteran campaigner or new to the labor movement.

We're looking for new and seasoned activist-researchers: people with experience in union campaigns, community organizing, or political campaigns; recent college grads, grad students, or professionals with skills in economic analysis, industry research, financial analysis, employment law, corporate research, or investigative journalism; and people with a strong commitment to working in the labor movement. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.

To add your resume to the pool, email a cover letter explaining why you wish to work as a strategic researcher, a résumé, and a 1-10 page writing sample in plain text format to: There is no deadline to apply. Please mention in your cover letter any geographic preferences or limitations, and where you heard about the openings.

One Week Summer Session at Cornell

Special one week summer session at Cornell for students interested in working as union researchers

The AFL-CIO and the Cornell School of Labor and Industrial Relations are co-sponsoring a one-week intensive credit course on strategic corporate research for graduate students and upper level undergraduates interested in working with the labor movement upon completion of their degrees. The session this year will be held on June 18-24, 2006 in Ithica, New York.

The course will be available as either a non-credit course or as a 1 1/2 credit hour undergraduate course with an additional research and writing assignment. The AFL-CIO provides tuition grants and a limited number of needs-based scholarships to further reduce the cost of tuition for students taking the course for credit.

This school is a great way for students to access labor movement jobs. In the first five years of the program, literally dozens of students have landed research positions in unions.

The application deadline is in May, but early registration is highly recommended. Contact Charles Taylor at to obtain a course description and registration materials as they become available.



Heterodox Journals and Newsletters

Feminist Economics- Special Issue on Gender and Aging

Guest Edited by Nancy Folbre, Lois B. Shaw and Agenta Stark
Volume 11, 2005, Issue 2
Print ISSN 1354-5701
Online ISSN 1466-4372

This special issue focuses on gendered differences in the economic resources of the elderly and the individuals charged with meeting the day-to-day care needs of the elderly. Often the burden of care falls on women, who themselves have less access to care as they age.

The introduction gives an overview of the public policy initiatives, social insurance and welfare programs, and family provisions for care that are thoroughly examined in the following contributions.

The special issue highlights both cross-national contrasts and common challenges to meeting the economic and care needs of the growing elderly population.

To order visit

Feminist Economics- Special Issue on Women and Wealth

Guest Edited by Carmen Deere and Cheryl R. Doss
Volume 12, Issue 1&2, 2006; £15/US$25

This special issue examines asset gaps and the distribution of wealth by gender around the world. Contributors employ a broad range of methods to explore how wealth ownership affects household decisions and women’s well being. For further information please visit: 

Quote code XF04701W when ordering.

Routledge is pleased to offer the Special Issue of Feminist Economics - Women and Wealth, at the special issue rate of £15/US$25 (subject to availability). You may order this issue by filling in the form below and clicking on the submit button (we will then send you a pro-forma invoice). Alternatively, complete and print this form and send it to: Nicky McArthur, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, UK, Fax: +44 (0)207 017 6713

Feminist Economics- Special Issue on Aids, Sexuality and Development

International Society of Ecological Economics

January 2006 newsletter is now available for viewing or downloading at

The Talking Economics Bulletin

The Talking Economics Bulletin consists of news and views on associative economics, including short extracts from Associative Economics Monthly (which is available electronically for £1 an issue at  or in a hard copy format)

EAEPE Newsletter

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy: the EAEPE Newsletter, February 2006 is now available.
For detailed information: february2006.pdf


Heterodox Books and Book Series

The Economics and Ethics of the Basic Income Guarantee

Edited by Karl Widerquist, Michael Anthony Lewis, and Steven Pressman, published by Ashgate.

The basic income guarantee, a universal unconditional income grant, has received increasing attention from scholars as an alternative to the kinds of welfare reforms that have been implemented recently in the US and other countries throughout the world. This book explores the political, sociological, economic, and philosophical issues of the basic income guarantee.

The Global Class War

The Global Class War is a provocative new book by the Economic Policy Institute’s founding president and Distinguished Fellow, Jeff Faux. In it, Faux shows how America’s leaders have become part of a global elite – the Party of Davos – that is undercutting the living standards of working people here and abroad. He concludes with an original step-by-step strategy for making the global economy accountable to its ordinary citizens, beginning in North America.

Publishers Weekly calls the book: “Incisive.” William Grieder: “Really important.” Robert Kuttner: “This book should transform public discourse in America.”

Click here for more information about the book and Jeff Faux's upcoming appearances, which include stops in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, and Washington DC.

Conjuring Hitler: How Britian and America Made the Third Reich

By Guido Preparata (University of Washington), Pluto Press.

In the book Preparata explains the complex dynamics of the interwar period by developing a novel (Veblenian) economic analysis of the new gold standard, the hyperinflation, the slump of the 1930s and the Nazi boom. Politically speaking, the findings are controversial.

New Books from Anthem Press

Surviving Capitalism: how we learned to live with the market and remained almost human
by Erik Ringmar
‘Clearly and gracefully written, it presents an interesting and fertile thesis about the nature of capitalism and how different societies have learnt to cope with it.’
John Gray, Author of Straw Dogs (Granta, 2002)
‘Surviving Capitalism presents a highly literate cost-benefit analysis of the history of capitalism…fresh, fascinating, relevant, and, yes, humane.’
Jeff Madrick, Editor, Challenge Magazine

This book investigates the question of whether economic globalization is likely to lead to full convergence between political models and ways of life, or whether - even in a completely globalized world economy – there is likely to be scope for alternative solutions and individual expression.
Ringmar argues that this is a question of the extent to which the market has the power to recreate the rest of society in its own image. With renewed force, capitalism is tearing away at the fabric of our societies and threatening to lay waste to the lives we have made for ourselves. The situation is disturbing and the consequences far-reaching. The support structures that have aided our survival thus far – the State, the Church, community and family – are beginning to lose their hold.
The author speculates alternative kinds of protective responses that might appear in the future and what society would be like without any kinds of protection at all. What is going to happen to us? In a fully globalized world, how will we survive capitalism?
Erik Ringmar is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is the author of several books, including Interest, Identity & Action (CUP, 1996) and The Mechanics of Modernity (Routledge, 2005). He received his doctorate in political science from Yale University.
Paperback 1 84331 176 3 $29.95 October 2005

Visit for more information regarding SURVIVING CAPITALISM and other titles in our Studies in Development and Globalization series.

A selection of titles in this series. Click on each title to find out more:

A Chance for the World Bank by Jozef Ritzen, foreword by Joseph Stiglitz

A Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics edited by Edward Fullbrook

Kicking Away the Ladder by Ha-Joon Chang

Transforming China by Peter Nolan

Globalizing India edited by Chris Fuller and Jackie Assayag

Reforming the Governance of the IMF and the World Bank edited by Ariel Buira

World Atlas of Sustainable Development by Anne-Marie Sacquet

Chechnya: From Past to Future edited by Richard Sakwa

Hollywood, the Pentagon and Washington by Jean-Michel Valantin

Marxian Reproduction Schema

by A.B. Trigg: Routledge, ISBN 0-415-33669-4

In 1878 Karl Marx developed the reproduction schema: his model of how total capital is produced and reproduced. This is thought to be the first two-sector economic model ever constructed. Two key aspects of Marx's writings are widely agreed to be undeveloped: the role of aggregate demand and the role of money. This book has as its aim the synthesis of various strands of economic thought in an attempt to understand and clarify the structure of the reproduction schema. This synthesis will challenge prevailing orthodoxies.

A macro monetary model is constructed which draws on a wide range of economic theories, both within the Marxian economic tradition, and further a field in the traditions of Keynes, Kalecki, Domar, Sraffa and Leontief. Marxian economics has been dominated by supply-side thinking, including general equilibrium theory and pronouncements about the shortage of surplus value; Post Keynesians have failed to take seriously the importance of reproduction and the multisectoral structure of capitalism. By locating aggregate demand and the circuit of money in the reproduction schema, the objective of this book is to provide an analytical contribution to both Marxian and Post Keynesian economics.

A. B. Trigg is Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Open University, UK


Heterodox Graduate Program and PhD Scholarships

Labour Studies and Globalization Programme

Master-Studiengang “Labour Policies & Globalisation”

- Bewerbungsfrist für WS 2006/2007 bis zum 1.April verlängert –

Der Master Studiengang „Labour Policies and Globalisation“ richtet sich an Personen, die über Erfahrungen in gewerkschaftlicher Tätigkeit verfügen oder sich anderweitig gesellschaftlich engagieren und sich mit den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung in einem internationalen Kurs auseinandersetzen wollen. Studienschwerpunkte sind nachhaltige Entwicklung, soziale Gerechtigkeit, gewerkschaftliche Strategien im Rahmen der Globalisierung, „Good Governance“, Wirtschaftstheorien, Arbeitnehmerrechte sowie internationale Arbeitsstandards.

Der Kurs ist ein Kooperationsprojekt der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (IAO) mit der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, den deutschen Gewerkschaften und einem internationalen Netzwerk von Universitäten und Gewerkschaften aus allen Kontinenten. An dem Kurs der gemeinsam von der Universität Kassel und der FHW Berlin angeboten wird, nehmen Studierende aus mehr als 15 Ländern teil. Die BewerberInnen sollten über gute Englischkenntnisse verfügen und bereits einen wissenschaftlichen Abschluss in Jura, Politik-, Sozial- oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften abgelegt haben.

Die Ziele des Studiums sind:

• Erarbeitung von empirischen und theoretischen Analysen zur sozialen Gestaltung der Globalisierung in einem multikulturellen Kontext;

• Befähigung der TeilnehmerInnen zukunftsorientierte Ideen einer fairen Globalisierung innerhalb der Zivilgesellschaft und gegenüber Arbeitgebern, Regierungsstellen und internationalen Organisationen auf hohem fachlichem Niveau vertreten zu können;

• Etablierung eines dauerhaften, länderübergreifenden Netzwerkes von gewerkschaflichen ExpertInnen zur Entwicklung gemeinsamer gewerkschaftlicher Positionen und Strategien in einem globalen Kontext.

Das Studium dauert insgesamt 1 Jahr und gliedert sich in 4 Phasen:

• 10/06 – 02/07: 1. Semester an der Universität Kassel
• 02/07 – 03/07: 6wöchiges Praktikum (vorzugsweise im europ. Ausland Genf
oder Brüssel)
• 04/07 – 07/07: 2. Semester an der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft (FHW) in Berlin
• 07/08 – 09/07: Erstellung der Master-Arbeit / Abschlussprüfung

Interessierte BewerberInnen können sich bei der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung für ein Stipendium bewerben.. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Studiums wird der akademische Grad M.A. (Master of Arts) in „Labour Policies & Globalisation“ verliehen.
Weitere Infos und Angaben zu den Bewerbungsunterlagen unter:

University of Liverpool- Fully Funded M.Phil/PhD Scholarship 2006-9

"Investigating Alternative Economic Spaces".

Dr Peter North
0151-794 2849

Dr Benedikt Korf,
0151-794 2840

Department of Geography,
Roxby Building
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 8TZ

The recent 'cultural turn' in economic geography has looked to examine in more detail how economic forms are constructed by those within them. Rather than describing a priori markets as intrinsically capitalist, recent theorisations have looked to separate 'markets' from capitalism'
(Braudel),to examine ways that participants in alternative economic activities such as co-operatives, credit unions, local money schemes and informal employment are engaged in economic activities that can be thought of as 'capitalist' (Gibson-Graham); to question the extent that modern society is as commodified as theorists such as Habermas claim (Williams), and to examine the social construction of economic exchanges (Zelizer). A recent collection edited by Leyshon, Lee and Williams (2003) examined a range of alternative economic practices such as LETS, credit unions, market trading and co-operatives.

What has not been done in any great depth is investigate spaces in which a critical mass of these alternative economic forms, as well as of people running more conventional businesses for reasons other than to grow and make a profit, have congregated. These latter are more than lifestyle entrepreneurs: they see their business as enabling them to live a non-capitalist, perhaps more ecological lifestyle, with their business practice entwined with their politics. They look to trade 'fairly', providing good, wholesome produce that also enable others to live the way they want to in the hear and now. Products would include technologies for sustainable living (light bulbs, ecological building and heating products, social panels etc); locally produced and organic food; bicycles and other sustainable forms of transport.

These spaces have often existed for many years. They were formed in the early 1960s when (then) young radicals moved 'west' to escape what they feared to be a forthcoming nuclear catastrophe after the Cuban missile crisis. After the failure of the 1968 student movement, more people decided that if large scale change was not possible, then the production of more local alternative spaces might be a better social change mechanism. The rise of CND and then the Green movement in the 1980s and into the 1990s, and then fears of imminent collapse around the so-called 'Y2K millennium bug' and now fears around catastrophic climate change and the end of the cheap oil age mean that more and more people want to find a 'harbour in the storm'.

The justification or otherwise of their fears is irrelevant: it means that significant numbers of what Frankel called 'post industrial utopians'
moved to Wales, the West Country, west Ireland, to south west France and to Freiburg in Germany to what are seen as more rural areas with a clean west wind and a better chance of living sustainably off the land. These spaces now have more than forty years of experience of developing alternative forms of economic activity, but with the exception of the Community Economy Collective's studies of the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts and the LaTrobe Valley in Victoria, they remain little studied.

Critics would argue that these remain marginal spaces not attractive to any but those susceptible to catastrophist hysterias, that capitalism has a logic that cannot be easily desegregated, and that - crucially - studies of alternative economic practices do not distinguish between those which have been freely chosen and which do provide a valid alternative to capitalism, and those marginal, 'informal' coping strategies which result from exclusion from the economic mainstream, and which have not been freely chosen. A third problem is that alternative economic practices may be embarked upon by those who do wish to construct an alternative but end up unable to compete with businesses operating under capitalist market logic, and end up as marginal self-exploitation.

Fieldwork locations would be identified in the first year. We will be guided by the co-researchers research interests and would be open to the student's suggestions and research interests in focusing down. A student with appropriate language skills may, if appropriate, identify an overseas research location, although the bursary would not cover significant travel and subsistence costs.

Application process.

Informal enquiries welcome to Dr North on the above telephone number Tuesdays to Thursdays. Mondays and Fridays to 0121-632 5155

A letter of application and CV, two copies, should be sent to Dr North at the above address by Friday 24th March. Overseas candidates are welcome to submit via email attachment.

Interviews will be held on Monday 24th April.


Heterodox Associations, Institutes, and Departments

Women in Social & Economic Research (formerly WEPAU)

The Women’s Economic Policy Analysis Unit ("WEPAU") has changed its name to WiSER - Women in Social & Economic Research - reflecting the broader scope of academic and consultancy research into women's experiences of the social and economic policies that permeate their lives.
To encompass the multitude of perspectives necessary to effectively conduct research of such a broad-reaching nature WiSER has established itself as an inter-disciplinary research programme - spanning Curtin University of Technology's Business School and Division of Humanities - with a breadth of expertise and experience which continues to grow with the increasing range of researchers working with the unit. In this way WiSER continues to provide meaningful gender analysis of policy, actively contributing to current debates on government policy.
WiSER engages in academic and contract feminist research across a number of discipline areas. Particular strengths include labour market analysis, social policy and health economics.
