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Resources: Concerning the WTC / Pentagon Attacks
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Created by a Librarian Consortium
Faculty Experts:
of Research Links:
Annotated Bibliography of Government Documents Related to the Threat
of Terrorism and the Attacks of September 11, 2001 [.pdf]
This impressive bibliography has been compiled by Kevin D. Motes (US Government
Information Division, Oklahoma Department of Libraries). It focuses on the US
federal documents on terrorism and most specifically on attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon. All documents are described with concise
annotations and available through the Federal Depository system. Many, if not
most, of these publications are available via the Web. The materials are
arranged alphabetically by title within each of the seven sections (Aftermath,
Congressional and Presidential Actions, Global Terrorism, International
Politics, National Security, US Foreign Relations, and Weapons of Mass
Destruction). Although available in a very limited print version with a steep
price (300 hundred copies with each costing $502.39!!!), this reviewer will be
certain to bookmark this reference tool. One might hope for a comprehensive
index perhaps in a future edition, but that is a relatively modest quibble.
Anyone even moderately interested in the US response to terrorism will
definitely find enough to keep himself/herself busy for a long, long time. [Scout
of Defense (DOD)
Department of
Transportation (DOT)
of Justice (DOJ)
Daily updates on the war on terrorism posted every weekday at noon ET
Complete Coverage
A special section on the Sept. 11 attacks and their aftermath, including an archive of past articles. NY Times
Latest Developments
Terrorism Research Center
Special Analysis:
The War Against Terrorism
"The 21st Century began on September 11, 2001. In June 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo precipitated the first war that would define the 20th Century. The attack of September 11 will be the precipitating moment of a new kind of war that will define a new century. This war will be fought in shadows, and the adversary will continue to target the innocent and defenseless." www.terrorism.com/index.html
From John Hopkins University, Schools of Medicine and Public Health, the Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies strives to "increase national and international awareness of the medical and public health threats posed by biological weapons, thereby augmenting the potential legal, political and moral prohibitions against their use".
FBI Wants Us to Participate
"The men and women of the FBI
join the nation in expressing our deep sympathies for the victims of these horrific tragedies and their families. And we -- all of us in the FBI -- pledge
to those directly affected by these attacks that we will leave no stone unturned in our quest to help find those responsible and to bring those individuals to justice." Director Mueller, September 12, 2001
White House "as it happens" Reports
CDC Health Alerts, Advisories,
and Updates
State Dept:
Worldwide Travel Warnings
Travel Warnings are issued when
the State Department recommends that Americans avoid a
certain country. This site provides a listing of those
countries. In addition to this list, the State Department
issues Consular Information Sheets for every country of
the world with information on such matters as the health
conditions, crime, unusual currency or entry requirements,
any areas of instability, and the location of the nearest
U.S. embassy or consulate in the subject country.
Audio NPR
Newscast RealAudio: 28.8
or Windows
Media: 28.8.
World Trade Center/Pentagon
Terrorism and the
Research information from the Documents Center at the
of Michigan
Special Coverage
LAW & POLICY JURIST's latest guide, featuring breaking news,
background information on terrorism and terrorists, US
counterterrorism policy, Executive Orders and federal
counterterrorism legislation, commentary by law professors, plus
an extensive bibliography. Suggestions for additional materials
are very welcome.
Senator Kit Bond's
Research Site
PBS "America Responds"
This PBS site provides resources that can help you
understand and cope with the national tragedy. In addition to
analysis from Bill Moyers and ongoing coverage of the attacks, the
site offers an in-depth look at the faith, culture, innovations
and people of Islam.
Terrorism: Considerations for Investing Resources in
Chemical and Biological
by Henry L. Hinton, Jr., managing director, defense
capabilities and management, before the Senate Committee on
Governmental Affairs. GAO-02-162T, October 17
Twenty-two individuals identified by President Bush as the "Most Wanted" terrorists in the world. The U.S. government is offering up to $5 million in reward money for each individual.
Times of London lays out the international connection:
Wall Street
Journal Current 9-11 News The latest edition of Rebuilding
Wall Street is now available at www.djnewswires.com/rebuilding.
The newsletter is being published as a public service and made
available to readers without charge until the end of the year. Each
issue explores plans for the reconstruction and repair of buildings,
the temporary relocation of businesses and individuals affected and
the human aspects of this tragedy -- providing comprehensive, detailed
coverage as the financial district rebuilds.
The Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) strives to combat the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information and analysis. CNS at the Monterey Institute of International Studies is the largest nongovernmental organization in the United States devoted exclusively to research and training on nonproliferation
The Henry L. Stimson Center is a community of analysts devoted to offering practical solutions to problems of national and international security. Full Mission Statement
Remarks at NATO Review Meeting Jim Thomson, president and CEO of RAND, gave remarks September 19 at the opening of the 14th NATO Review Meeting on the new form of terrorism and what to do about it.
Additional Terrorism Resources and Materials...
Terrorism Response
departments and positions: how is the response structured?
Who is supposed to do what? What department to go to?
Links People have sent us:
to the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century
Vote Smart Map of U.S. Elected Representatives
Who is my Representative?
Identify and contact your Representative using the Write
Your Representative feature on the House Web site.
Locating Member Web Sites
The House web site includes Member
Web sites
List Senators Alphabetically
List Senators by State
H&R Block provides free
information to victims of attack Kansas
City-based H&R Block Inc. has launched its free tax and
financial information feature on its Web site for victims of
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the company said Wednesday.
We Stand Resource Center on Block's Web site (http://www.hrblock.com)
Senator Carnahan's Site:
World Trade Center/Pentagon Attacks
Donate to the
American Red Cross - National
Disaster Relief Fund
Kansas Senator Brownback's
Resource Website:
"One of the most meaningful features to appear in The New York
Times and on NYTimes.com is Portraits
of Grief. This feature first began running on September 15 and
presented brief profiles of World Trade Center victims. On December 31
the final daily edition of Portraits of Grief appeared in The New York
Times newspaper. A book will be published this year, and the feature
will continue to appear from time to time, as more names become known
and more families agree to interviews."
Let your elected officials know YOUR response
Missouri Members of U.S. Congress
Wm. Lacy Clay
..... St. Louis
W. Todd Akin
..... St. Louis
Richard A. Gephardt
..... St. Louis
Ike Skelton
..... Lexington
Karen McCarthy
..... Kansas City
Sam Graves
..... Tarkio
Roy Blunt
..... Strafford
Jo Ann Emerson
..... Cape Girardeau
Kenny C. Hulshof
..... Columbia |
Kansas Members of U.S Congress
Jerry Moran
..... Hays
Jim Ryun
..... Topeka
Dennis Moore
..... Lenexa
Todd Tiahrt
..... Goddard
Home Page Library Resources: Concerning the WTC/Pentagon Attacks
. . . Created by a Librarian Consortium