Characterizing subsurface hydrogeologic structures and remotely monitoring multiphase transport using geophysical/geotechnical methods - seismic method, georadar, Electromagnetic method, and Time Domain Reflectometer.  Integrated tomographic imaging technique using hydrologic modeling is being studied for shallow and deep subsurface environment.
Detection of Potential Flooding Hazard from Embankment Failure using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) (funded by SEARCH grant going to the research assistant, Margaret Abbott)
Daniel Barnett, Margaret Abbott

Teclehaimanot, D. T., Lee, J., and Hasan, S. “Quantitative analysis of physical factors affecting methane emission in MSW landfill,” (under review, Environmental Geology)

Lee, J., Sayyed-Ahmad, A., and Sheen, D. H., 2007, “Basin model inversion using information theory and seismic data,” Geophysics, Vol.72 (6): R99-R108.

Graettinger, A.J., Lee, J., and Reeves, H.W., 2002, “Efficient conditional modeling for geotechnical uncertainty evaluation,” The International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol.26 (2): 163-179.

University of Missouri - Kansas City
Department of Geosciences - UMKC
Hydrolab at UMKC
Research - Hydroinformatics
Research - Hydrogeophysics
Research - Hydroinformatics & Hydrogeophysics
Research - Hydroinformatics