From the Editor
Activities for and by heterodox economists continued unabated, as evident of the many new calls for papers and the many conferences and seminars that are taking place this summer. In addition, in the Journals and Newsletters section you will find a new journal listed—The Journal of Philosophical Economics; in the
Heterodox Websites section there are two new web sites listed; and in the FYI section you might want to take a look at the data se for global citizenship.
It appears that everyone who attended the ICAPE Conference in Utah had a great time (except for the organizers who were working themselves to death). Such phrases as VERY IMPRESSIVE, EXCELLENT CONFERENCE, GREATLY STIMULATING AND HEARTWARMING CONFERENCE, INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING TO A HIGH DEGREE, MET LOTS OF VERY
INTERESTING PEOPLE, and THE UTAH SETTING WAS SUBLIME seem to spring from everybody’s lips. Moreover because Rob Garnett and his committee worked very hard at fund raising, many graduate students and young professors/lecturers were able to attend the conference. Finally if you want to take advantage of the Conference
discount to get some Routledge and University of Michigan Press books, check out the Heterodox Books section in the Newsletter. The next ICAPE conference will be 2010.
One last point. If you found the ‘Hip Heterodoxy’ in the last Newsletter interesting, you will find the TPMCAFE Book Club commentary in the Heterodox Conference section interesting as well.
Fred Lee
In this issue:
Call for Papers |
- 2007 URPE Summer Conference
- Probabilistic Political Economy: "Laws of Chaos" in the 21st Century
- Association for Institutional Thought [AFIT]
- Forum for Social Economics
- The Irish Society of New Economists
- National Conference on Planning History
- European Business Elites
- Globalization: Long-run Perspectives
- II Seminario Internacional Complutense Nuevas Direcciones En El Pensamiento Economico Critico
- II International Complutense Conference New Directions in Critical Economic Thought
- The 9th SCEME Seminar in Economic Methodology |
Conferences, Seminars and Lectures |
- Politeia
- Association for Heterodox Economics Conference 13-15 July, 2007
- Capital accumulation and economic growth in open economies
- L'ADEK Conférences
- 3rd STOREP European Summer School
- 16th Annual IAFFE Conference on Feminist Economics
- International Conference on Gender Responsive Budgeting and Social Justice
- 7th Summer Institute in Gender and Development Studies
- Moving to a Simpler, Clearer Tax System: Reforming Corporate Tax
- NIESR Conference celebrating James Meade
- Meghnad Desai et al @ LSE
- The Third (Bi)-Annual Canada/US East Border Post-Keynesian Workshop
Job Postings for Heterodox Economists |
- National University of Ireland
- University of West England, Bristol
Heterodox Conference Papers and Reports and Articles |
- History of Science Workshop
- TPMCAFE Book Club
Heterodox Journals and Newsletters |
- International Review of Applied Economics
- The Journal of Philosophical Economics (JPE)
- Labor Studies Journal
- O Comunneiro
- Intervention
- International Journal of Political Economy
- The Associative Economics Bulletin
- Review of Social Economy
- Journal of Economic Methodology
- Rethinking Marxism
- CASE e-Newsletter
Heterodox Books, Book Series, and Book Reviews |
- Routledge
- University of Michigan Press
- Introducing Economics: A Critical Guide for Teaching
- Aspects of Modern Monetary and Macroeconomic Policies
- The Global Political Economy of Israel
Heterodox Websites |
- Progressive Economics
- BISA International Political Economy Group (IPEG) |
For Your Information |
- Marginal Productivity Theory and the Mainstream
- The Minnesota Population Center
- Data Set for Global Citizenship
- List of Economic Development Text books for Heterodox Economists 6/2007
- Alfred D. Chandler |
Call for Papers
2007 URPE Summer Conference
(Union for Radical Political Economics)
Friday, Aug. 10 - Monday, Aug. 13
Camp Deer Run, Pine Bush, NY
See the URPE website -- -- for information on the camp: location, directions, facilities, rates, registration form, etc.
Contact the URPE National Office if you have further questions: or 413-577-0806
Please register by July 27! Later registration involves an extra fee.
Download our flyer -- let others know about our conference:
Probabilistic Political Economy: "Laws of Chaos" in the 21st Century
A conference to celebrate 25 years since the publication of Farjoun & Machover's book
July 14 -- 17, 2008
Kingston University, UK
For detailed information: Probabilistic Political Economy.doc
Association for Institutional Thought [AFIT]
The annual meeting of AFIT will be held
April 23-26, 2008
Denver, Colorado
Hyatt Regency Hotel 800 233 1234
In conjunction with the Western Social Science Association (WSSA) 50th Annual Conference
Theme for the 2008 Conference:
New Directions in Economics: The Emerging Conversation within Heterodox Economics
With recognition of the role of culture in organizing economic activity, institutional work draws its inspiration from messy reality-- the overlap of disciplinary boundaries, the interaction between diverse intellectual traditions, and the conflict and cooperation between social classes and other social groups within and between societies.
Possible themes for papers and/or panels could include the influence of other social science traditions on institutional economics, the application of interdisciplinary work in pragmatic policy analysis, the connection or overlap between diverse elements within heterodox economic theory, and the relevance of cultural norms and cross
cultural conflict in the study of economic systems.
In addition to the above topics, AFIT welcomes papers reflecting the tradition and analytical perspective of institutional economics and applications of institutional analysis to current policy issues. Submissions from economists of other heterodox schools of thought are also welcome.
AFIT encourages proposals from graduate students, and it is anticipated that at least one and possibly more panels of graduate student papers will be included in the program this year. This year AFIT will sponsor its third annual student scholar competition with a cash prize for outstanding student papers. Faculty are encouraged to nominate
students and assist them in submitting their papers. Details will be provided in an additional announcement.
AFIT hopes to continue the tradition of having one or more roundtables on ideas, experiences, and materials helpful for incorporating institutionalism and heterodox economics into our teaching. Geoff Schneider of Bucknell University will coordinate these sessions; please email Geoff at as well as Vice President Chris Niggle if you are interested in participating in the teaching roundtables. Participants in these roundtables are encouraged to submit their materials for posting on the AFIT web site.
Anyone interested in attending the AFIT Conference or in finding out more about the organization may visit the AFIT web site at The WSSA web site can be found at
Send proposals by E-mail with the subject line AFIT 2008 Proposal Lastname and file attachment in Microsoft Word or RTF format to the Vice President of AFIT:
Christopher J. Niggle
Department of Economics
University of Redlands
1200 E. Colton
Redlands, CA 92373
Telephone; 909 748 8568
Deadline for proposal submission: November 15, 2007
Forum for Social Economics
Guest Editor: Geoffrey E. Schneider, Bucknell University
Guest Associate Editors: Daniel A. Underwood, Peninsula College; Janet T. Knoedler, Bucknell University
The Forum for Social Economics is seeking papers of various types related to Teaching Social Economics. Papers can be short (1000-2000 word) descriptions of classroom exercises or the application of particular pedagogies (e.g., service learning, active learning, web based interactive exercises) to teach social economics. Submissions can
also be longer in depth articles (up to 7500 words) which explore a particular pedagogical issue, assess student learning outcomes, or teaching issues related to social economics. Articles should clearly stress a heterodox economic tradition (e.g., social economics, institutional economics, post-Keynesian economics, Marxian economics,
Feminist economics, etc.) with an emphasis on how that tradition can advance economic education.
Manuscript submissions should be sent in electronic form as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to Geoff Schneider ( The deadline for manuscript submission is May 1, 2008. Articles must be in final form by September 1, 2008.
Papers will pass a double-blind referee process supervised and subject to the final approval of John Marangos, Editor of the Forum for Social Economics.
The Forum for Social Economics is an international journal, along with the Review of Social Economy, sponsored by the Association for Social Economics. For 35 years the Forum has published high quality peer-reviewed papers. The Forum is a pluralistic journal publishing work that addresses economic issues within wider ethical, cultural or
natural environmental contexts, and is sympathetic to papers that transcend established disciplinary boundaries.
The journal welcomes stimulating original articles that are clearly written and draw upon contemporary policy-related research. Preference is given to non-technical articles of topical and historical interest that will appeal to a wide range of readers. For this special issue, the journal is particularly interested in serving as an avenue
for issues regarding teaching economics, in particular teaching approaches to social and heterodox economics.
Instructions: Authors should place name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address on a separate cover sheet and remove identifying information from the title page and body of the manuscript. They should also include an abstract of no more than 150 words and a brief biographical statement of no more than 125 words about each author should be
supplied. In addition a list of up to 5 key words, suitable for indexing and abstracting services, should follow the abstract. Authors should not submit articles that have been previously published or that are under review for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,500 words in length, including notes and references. Include
the article and all tables and figures in the same electronic file. American rather than British spellings should be used.
The Irish Society of New Economists
The Irish Society of New Economists will host its fourth annual conference at the UCD Geary Institute on the 7th September 2007. The conference is intended to provide a forum for new economists (in post-graduate research programs or private/public sectors) to present papers from any area of economics.
A call for papers has been made, with a closing date set at July 27th.
Follow this link for more information about the conference:
National Conference on Planning History
SACRPH 12th Bi-Annual Conference
The Society for American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH) presents the 12th National Conference on Planning History in Portland, Maine from October 25 to 28, 2007 with papers on all aspects of urban, regional and community planning history.
European Business Elites
Workshop in German and English
European Business Elites between the Emergence of a "New Spirit of Capitalism" and the "Erosion of State Socialism" in Potsdam, Germany on November 1-2, 2007 is a workshop to enhance research exchange concerning Western European and Eastern European business elites during the last third of the 20th century.
Globalization: Long-run Perspectives
27th APHES Meeting
The 27th conference of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History (APHES) takes place at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa on November 16 and 17, 2007. The main topic is Globalization: Long-run Perspectives.
II Seminario Internacional Complutense Nuevas Direcciones En El Pensamiento Economico Critico
13/15 de noviembre de 2007
II International Complutense Conference New Directions in Critical Economic Thought
13/15 November 2007
The 9th SCEME Seminar in Economic Methodology
Call for contributions.
The 9th SCEME Seminar in Economic Methodology will take place on the Saturday 13th October, 2007, at the University of Stirling, UK. The main theme is 'Knowledge, Information and the Economy '. We are very pleased to be able to announce that
Kurt Dopfer, University of St Gallen will attend as guest speaker to lead the discussion
Seminar contributions from any perspective shedding light on knowledge, information and the economy are welcome. Contributions may take the form of the presentation of a paper, presentation of work-in-progress, or an extended discussion of a recent monograph bearing on the topic. Details available in
Conferences, Seminars and Lectures
Politeia would like to invite you to a forthcoming lecture ‘Moving to a Simpler, Clearer Tax System: Reforming Corporate Tax’ by leading Swedish tax economist Dr Krister Andersson, on 19th June 2007, starting at 6.30pm with reception at 6.00pm.
You can refer to the flyer for details about the event. To book a place you can contact the office by email at , or call at 020 7240 5070. You can bring a guest with you if you like.
Association for Heterodox Economics Conference 13-15 July, 2007
Introduction Call for Papers Registration
Conference Program
Pluralism in Action
The Association for Heterodox Economics is a learned society which promotes economics and economists from so-called heterodox schools of thought. The conference provides a forum for economists of a pluralist view to explore areas of interest to them in a sympathetic environment.
Past conferences of the Association have focused on particular themes and more recently the dominant concern has been with promoting pluralism. This year's conference appealed for contributions which display pluralism in action. By that is meant a number of different possibilities. Papers may be pluralist in themselves; or sessions may be,
promoting debate between or within theoretical perspectives on specific areas of interest.
The conference will comprise sessions which present papers that demonstrate the conference theme plus two small streams on other specialist topics. All sessions are 90 minutes long and most comprise two papers. This design means that in contrast to many conferences, speakers get extended time to present their work.
Confirmed speakers:
Professor Sam Cameron, University of Bradford
Professor Barbara Harris-White, Professor of Development Studies, Oxford University
Professor Chris Niggle, University of Redlands, California
Professor Eric Reinert, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia and Norwegian Institute for Strategic Studies
Dr. Pritam Singh, Oxford Brookes University
Capital accumulation and economic growth in open economies
Stephen Turnovsky, Castor Professor of Economics, University of Washington at Seattle will deliver three lectures on "Capital accumulation and economic growth in open economies" in Lucca (Italy), Palazzo Bernardini
Admission is free but registration is needed. For detailed information: Stephen Turnovsky.doc
L'ADEK Conférences
L'ADEK vous signale les conférences suivantes :
(1) Eric Berr de l'ADEK organise 2 conférences exceptionnelles d'Ignacy Sachs les 14 et 15 juin prochain.
Le professeur Ignacy Sachs interviendra deux fois:
jeudi 14 juin (14h30-16h30): Penser le développement au 21ème siècle vendredi 15 juin (10h-12h): Kalecki et le développement
Ignacy Sachs est né en 1927 à Varsovie. Il quitte avec sa famille son pays natal lorsque les lois anti-juives nazies y sont appliquées et se retrouve au Brésil, où il séjourne quatorze années. Jeune marié – à une polonaise qui deviendra professeur de littérature nord- américaine à l’université de Paris VIII – il s’installe en Pologne et
fait carrière comme économiste, spécialiste de la planification.
Proche de Kalecki, il le suit en Inde, de 1957 à 1960. Victime d’un odieux complot le présentant comme « sioniste », en 1968, il est contraint à l’exil et se rend en France, où l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales l’accueille, plus particulièrement Jacques Le Goff et Fenand Braudel. Membre de nombreuses instances d’organisations
internationales, Ignacy Sachs propose une autre idée du développement, dont, en 1972, celle d’écodéveloppement. Cette approche environnementale du développement rompt avec l’économicisme et propose une économie anthropologique qui s’inscrit dans la voie ouverte par Karl Polanyi. Il est l’auteur ou le directeur d’une quarantaine d’ouvrages
traduits en plusieurs langues. Lui-même parle et écrit indifféremment en quatre langues (polonais, anglais, brésilien et français). Parmi cette importante production intellectuelle, citons : La Découverte du tiers monde (Flammarion,
1971) ; Stratégies de l’écodéveloppement (Edittions ouvrières,
1980) ; L’Ecodéveloppement : stratégies de transition vers le XXI siècle (Syros, 1993) ; Quelles villes pour quel développement ? (Puf,
(2) L'ADEK et le SPIRIT organisent pour la venue exceptionnelle d'Eric Tymoigne de l'Université de l'Etat de Californie
Mardi 19 juin de 14 à 19 H à Sciences Po Bordeaux (Amphi ELLUL)
Nous travaillerons sur cette modélisation autour de trois papiers correspondants à trois démarches alternatives de
Eric Tymoigne (Université de l'Etat de Californie - Fresno - EU) « The Minskyan System, Part III: System Dynamics Modeling of a Stock Flow–Consistent Minskyan Model »
Celia Firmin (Matisse - Université de Paris 1) « Financiarisation, répartition et dynamique macroéconomique : une interprétation postkeynésienne de la trajectoire française »
Edwin Le Heron (Spirit - Sciences Po Bordeaux) et Tarik Mouakil (Université de Bordeaux IV) « Politiques économiques comparées dans deux modèles post-keynesien et nouveau keynésien Stock-Flux-Cohérents »
Les papiers sont disponibles et seront mis sur le site de SPIRIT de Sciences po Bordeaux. Vous pouvez également me les demander.
Si vous souhaitez participer à ce workshop, n'hésitez pas à me prévenir.
Sciences Po Bordeaux
11 Allée Ausone
33607 Pessac Cedex - France
3rd STOREP European Summer School
3rd STOREP European Summer School (SESS) in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy from 6. September 2007 to 16. September 2007.
Deadline for paper submission: 15. June 2007 JEL classification(s): A, B, D, E, F, N, O, Z Further information at:
16th Annual IAFFE Conference on Feminist Economics
June 29 – July 1, 2007
Preparations are well underway for the 16th Annual IAFFE Conference on Feminist Economics, to be held June 29 – July 1, 2007, in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference is being hosted by Ramkhamhaeng University. We hope this conference will attract many participants from Asia. IAFFE looks forward to building its links and membership in the
region in conjunction with the conference.
IAFFE is excited to be holding its first conference in Southeast Asia and we encourage members and friends from around the world to join us June 29 - July1 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Introduction to Feminist Economics, June 28.
Are you new to Feminist Economics? Would you like to learn more? You and your colleagues have an opportunity to participate in a workshop introducing you to Feminist Economic analysis. The IAFFE Pre-Conference Workshop is June 28, 2007, 8:30-5pm in Bangkok. The Pre-Conference is designed for scholars and students new to feminist economics
but is open to all those who are interested. The fee which can be paid when you register for the IAFFE Bangkok conference on the website is $10.
The Program consists of senior feminist economists who present an overview of IAFFE and an introduction to their fields. They also answer questions from participants. There will be opportunities for networking and mentoring.
We have confirmed speakers on these topics: History of IAFFE, Gender and Statistics in Developing Countries; Environmental Economics, Care Economy/Unpaid Labor; Trade and Gender; Feminist Economics and Interdisciplinary courses; Gender and Public Policy Development; Gender as Economic Methodology.
For more Info:
International Conference on Gender Responsive Budgeting and Social Justice
The Nordic Baltic Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting will arrange an international conference on this theme on the 10 and 11 January 2008 at the Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Papers on all aspects of gender responsive budgeting are invited, in particular papers relating gender responsive budgeting to social justice, and papers addressing issues on:
• GRB and welfare benefits, social insurance and old age pensions
• GRB and tax policies
• GRB and the labour market
Abstracts of papers to be submitted must be sent to before 15 October 2007.
The conference program will be posted on in the course of May and June 2007.
For additional information, please contact the network coordinator Hilde Bojer:
7th Summer Institute in Gender and Development Studies
Mark your calendars and be prepared to come to Cave Hill Campus Barbados for the 7th Summer Institute in Gender and Development Studies. The programme brings together women and men from the region and internationally, for four weeks of intensive learning and training in gender and development issues in the Caribbean. There are eight units
- Feminist Theorizing and Caribbean Development
- Gender analysis and Caribbean Development
- Knowledge creation, Research Methodologies and Communication
- Ideologies and Institutions in Caribbean Caribbean Societies
- Globalization, gender and Caribbean Economies
- Gender, Media and Popular culture
- Gender, Health and Development
- Women and Transformational Leadership in the Caribbean
Lecturers, facilitators and resource persons are drawn from the Centre for Gender and Development Studies, UNIFEM, Caribbean Policy Development Centre, CARICOM Secretariat and the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action. (See a full list of resource persons)
Check for the application form and summer institute brochure on this website.
Moving to a Simpler, Clearer Tax System: Reforming Corporate Tax
Politeia would much like to send you an invitation to our forthcoming lecture 'Moving to a Simpler, Clearer Tax System: Reforming Corporate Tax' by leading Swedish tax economist Dr Krister Andersson, on 19th June 2007. The venue will take place at Politeia at 6.30pm, with reception beforehand at 6.00pm.
You can refer to the flyer for a description of the lecture title. To book a place the office can be contacted by email at, or by calling call at 020 7240 5070. You are welcome to bring guests.
NIESR Conference celebrating James Meade
12 & 13 July 2007
NIESR is organising a two day conference on the 12th and 13th July 2007, to mark the Centenary of the eminent Nobel Prize-winning Economist, James Meade. The event is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Bank of England, which has kindly agreed to host it.
Speakers include Sir Tony Atkinson, Mr Charles Bean, Sir Partha Dasgupta, Sir James Mirrlees, Sir Nicholas Stern and Professor Robert Solow. This event is by invitation only. Papers will be posted on the NIESR website when available.
This event is by invitation only. For further information please contact Kyra Kellawan, External Relations Officer, on or on 0207 654 1931.
Meghnad Desai et al @ LSE
Sustaining Growth and promoting inclusion in India's Economy and Society
Tuesday 26 June 2007, 6.45-8pm
A new public debate with Professor Stuart Corbridge, Professor Lord Meghnad Desai, Mr R Krishna Kumar, Professor S Parasuraman and Professor
Sir Nicholas Stern
Event Information:
The Third (Bi)-Annual Canada/US East Border Post-Keynesian Workshop
The Third (Bi)-Annual Canada/US East Border Post-Keynesian Workshop, to take place September 29, 2007 at the Université du Quebec à Montréal, is shaping up nicely. This letter is to update you on the program and give you some information about hotel options in Montreal.
Program and schedule
The preliminary program is attached. We have a nice group of eight papers clustered around our theme “Post-Keynesian Perspectives on Monetary Policy.” In lieu of discussants, we will all discuss each other’s papers, which will be circulated well in advance. We do have room for one or two
more papers, so if you have a paper in mind, please send your proposal as soon as possible to Tom Michl at We anticipate one morning session and two afternoon sessions, with a dinner to follow on Saturday evening. Further details on times will be sent in August.
Conference location
Sessions will take place at Pavilion Athanase David of Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), room DR-200. If you go to the following address,, you will see a map of UQAM. You can highlight Pavilion D. R is for ground floor and 200 is the room number.
Hotel accommodations
Our colleague Gilles Dostaler ( ) has identified several options for you to consider, which are described below. You are urged to make your hotel reservations soon, as there are still many tourists in Montreal at that time.
- Auberge Pomerol: We have a block of 15 rooms reserved here which will be held for us until August 17 at the price of $121, Canadian dollars (breakfast included) plus tax ($141 with double occupancy). After August 17, they will release the hold. This is a nice European style hotel, very conveniently located at five minutes from the
conference site. Please make your reservation directly with the hotel, on their web site or phone (514) 526-5511. You should mention the Post-Keynesian conference, or Gilles’s name. They will hold your room with a credit card number. You can park at the hotel for $14 a night. The hotel is situated on Maisonneuve at the corner of St-Hubert.
You can see this location, as well the following ones, on the campus map.
- Chateau L’Argoat: Also a European style hotel, about ten minutes from UQAM (Sherbrooke near St Hubert). Price varies between $85 and $115 depending on the size of the room. They also have a web site and their phone is (514) 842-2046.
- Armor Manoir: Another European style hotel, about the same distance from UQAM as Argoat (Sherbrooke near de Bullion). Prices range from $119 to $139; see website. Phone (514) 845-0915.
- Lord Berri: A larger American style hotel (Berri and René Lévesque), the closest to UQAM. See web site for more information.
- Auberge des Gouverneurs-Place Dupuis: American style, larger and more luxurious, a bit more expensive, at Place Dupuis, on St Hubert near Ste Catherine, close to Pomerol. Check webpage.
If are planning to attend, please let Jane know at, so we know who to expect.
Job Postings for Heterodox Economists
National University of Ireland
Job for Heterodox Economist
Anyone with any questions can email Terry McDonough at
The Department of Economics at the National University of Ireland, Galway wishes to appoint a person to a 3 year fixed-term lectureship in Economics. Candidates should hold a PhD in economics or be in the process of completing one. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and
quantitative methods to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The successful candidate will also be expected to play a full role in supervising research projects of undergraduates and postgraduates. The Department has research strengths in the following areas: economic theory; macroeconomics and quantitative finance; economic
transformation, sustainability and spatial development; and health economics. The Department would be particularly interested in candidates whose research expertise is in one of these areas.
For informal inquiries and further information please contact the Head of the Department of Economics, Brendan Kennelly; Email:; Tel. 353-91-493094.
Closing date for receipt of applications is at 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 29th June, 2007.
Salary: €37,866 x 10 = €53,700 p.a.
Further information is available from the HR Office: ; Email:; Tel. 353 91 492151; Fax 353 91 494523
Candidates should submit six hard copies of their application (i.e. CV, application form, covering letter), with the names and addresses of at least three and not more than five referees to:
The Human Resources Office,
National University of Ireland, Galway,
Galway, Ireland
Please note that applications by email or fax will be rejected.
National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunities employer.
University of West England, Bristol
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Macroeconomics (Fixed Term)
For detailed information, check the website..
Heterodox Conference Papers and Reports and Articles
History of Science Workshop
"Cachan-Amsterdam History of Economics as History of Science Workshop" can be downloaded at :
Here is a set of replies/comments by Krugman, Galbraith and others on the article “Hip Heterodoxy” that should be of interest to you. You will need to scroll down a bit to get
to them.
Also Dani Rodrik’s blog has an active discussion:
Heterodox Journals and Newsletters
International Review of Applied Economics
Volume 21 Issue 3 is now available online at informaworld,
Special Issue: The Evaluation Challenge Lessons from Regional and Industrial Development Policies
This new issue contains the following articles:
- Industrial Policy Evaluation: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Innovations: New Wine in New Bottles p. 313
Authors: Helena Lenihan; Mark Hart; Stephen Roper
- Reconciling Practice with Theory in the Micro-Evaluation of Regional Policy p. 321
Authors: Colin Wren
- A Micro-econometric Analysis of Public Support to Private R&D in Argentina p. 339
Authors: Chiara Binelli; Alessandro Maffioli
- Assessing the Impact of Marketing Assistance on the Export Performance of Northern Ireland SMEs p. 361
Authors: Karen Bonner; Seamus McGuinness
- High-tech Start-up Access to Public Funds and Venture Capital: Evidence from Italy p. 381
Authors: Massimo G. Colombo; Luca Grilli; Cinzia Verga
- Evaluating Public Policy Formation and Support Mechanisms for Technological Innovation p. 403
Authors: Elaine Ramsey; Derek Bond
- The Role of National Policies on the Attraction and Promotion of MNEs' R&D Activities in Developing Countries p. 419
Authors: Mariana Zanatta; Sérgio Queiroz
- Global Knowledge and R&D Foreign Direct Investment Flows: Recent Patterns in Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America p. 437
Authors: Robert Huggins; Mehmet Demirbag; Violina Iankova Ratcheva
- Lisbon, Sapir and Industrial Policy: Evaluating the ‘Irish Success Story’ p. 453
Authors: David Bailey; Alex De Ruyter; Noel Kavanagh
The Journal of Philosophical Economics (JPE)
An academic, peer-reviewed, online and paper journal
in the field of economics and the philosophy of science
This Journal is devoted to ideas that question the methodological premises of economics as science. Scholars from all fields of scientific concern about inquiry of economical phenomena, but especially from disciplines such as political economy, sociology, political science, statistics and mathematics, philosophy of science, and history, are
invited to submit their contributions.
The Editorial Board takes a liberal stance in leaving a fair chance for contributors to provide the readers with a systematic, honest, and thoroughly researched account of an idea deemed fundamental for the advancement of the method of economic inquiry.
The Editorial Board refrains from suggesting possible topics or advising contributors on a certain conduct of their investigation. It lies at the core of this endeavour to have this Journal's audience challenged from innumerable sparkles of minds provided that they remain faithful to genuine scientific effort. Multum in parvo is more than
anything else sought after in due respect for the irremediable passage of time.
The Journal is divided into three parts: "Articles", "Reviews" and "Comments", which equally concur in developing a process of cumulative knowledge. Understanding causation relative to evolutions of the humankind's economic progress is meant to represent the philosophical foundation of economics.
The Journal of Philosophical Economics is currently considering articles for its Spring 2008 issue.
Labor Studies Journal
June 2007 issue now available online!
The Labor Studies Journal is the official journal of the
United Association for Labor Education (UALE). It is a multi-disciplinary journal covering issues related to work, workers, labor organizations, and labor studies and worker education in the US and
internationally, including union organizing strategies; labor movement revitalization; new forms of worker representation (labor centers, etc.); race, gender and "identity" issues and labor; immigration and labor; globalization and labor; labor and political trends; international labor movements; labor education practices and approaches;
and labor and the evolving economy.
O Comunneiro
Issue no 4 of web-magazine 'O Comunneiro' is now online: .
'O Comuneiro' is published twice a year, in the portuguese language. It participates in the worldwide movement of renewal of classical marxism and aims to be a laboratory of ideas for the anti-capitalist cause.
Issue 2/2006 – the fourth volume – of our German-English journal „INTERVENTION. Journal of Economics“ has just been published.
INTERVENTION sees itself as a forum for heterodox approaches in economic theory and policy. The aims are mutual exchange and the discussion of different perspectives from different economic schools off the economic mainstream. The journal comes out on a half-yearly basis in mid-April and mid-November, respectively.
The “Articles” section of the current issue features peer-reviewed contributions by Phillip Anthony O’Hara, Heinz-Peter Spahn, Ute Klammer, and Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn.
For the “Forum” section we asked our scientific board and authors of previous volumes how they assess the influence of heterodox thinking on economic theory construction and economic policy advice. Additionally, the “Forum” includes contributions on family policy as well as on taxation in Germany, on the relevance of the state as employer
in Scandinavia, on economic policy trends in Latin America, on female pioneers of economics in Austria, and, finally, on financial speculation, unemployment and public debt.
The next two issues of INTERVENTION will each be dedicated to a thematic focus. Issue 2/2007 will focus on „How to Cope with Divergences in an Enlarging EU?“, issue 1/2008 – with the title „Inequality on the Rise?“ – will focus on theoretical, empirical and policy aspects of distribution.
The article by Gerd Groezinger “Hochsteuerland Deutschland?“ (high tax country Germany?) may be downloaded for free at There you can also find further information on the journal as well as subscription information.
We would be very grateful if you would consider supporting INTERVENTION by starting a subscription – in case you are not already a subscriber. We also would like to invite you to submit papers for the peer-reviewed part of the journal. Please tell friends and colleagues about our journal, and suggest a subscription to a librarian at your
With kind regards,
Sabine Reiner
For the Managing Editors
links to the current issue:
Contribution Groezinger
International Journal of Political Economy
Edited by Mario Seccareccia, Issue 34.4 (Winter), 2006-07
Virginie Monvoisin and Louis-Philippe Rochon are guest editors.
"Conceptualizing Power in Economics: Some Heterodox Perspectives."
The articles are as follows:
- "Economic Power and The Real World", by Virginie Monnvoisin and Louis-Philippe Rochon
- "Uncertainty, Class and Power", by Enhgelbert Stockhammer
- "John Rogers Commons on Power", by John Marangos
- "Economic Power, the State and Post-Keynesian Economics", by Steven Pressman
The Associative Economics Bulletin
The Associative Economics Bulletin consists of news and views on associative economics, including short extracts from Associative Economics Monthly (available electronically for £1 an issue at or in a hard copy format - tel (UK) 01227 738207). To unsubscribe from this list, reply or send an email to with 'bulletin unsubscribe' in the subject line.
1) The View From Rare Albion, Editorial, AEM JUNE 2007
2) Fair Money
3) Upcoming Events in UK and Switzerland
For detailed information: The Associative Economics Bulletin.doc
New Political Economy
Volume 12 Issue 2 is now available online at informaworld,
This new issue contains the following articles:
- Monetary Union and the Transatlantic and Social Dimensions of Europe's Crisis p. 141
Authors: Alan W. Cafruny; J. Magnus Ryner
- The Methodology of The Public Choice Research Programme: The Case Of 'Voting With Feet' p. 167
Authors: Adrian Kay; Alex Marsh
- Globalisation and the Institutional Re-embedding of Markets: The Political Economy of Price Formation in the Bordeaux En Primeur Market p. 185
Authors: Colin Hay
- The Marketisation of European Corporate Control: A Critical Political Economy Perspective p. 211
Authors: Bastiaan Van Apeldoorn; Laura Horn
- Trade and Environmental Justice in Latin America p. 237
Authors: Peter Newell
- Moral Economy as Critique p. 261
Authors: Andrew Sayer
- The Embedded Corporation, Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States p. 271
Review of Social Economy
Volume 65 Issue 2 is now available online at informaworld, .
This new issue contains the following articles:
- Balkanization and assimilation: Examining the effects of state-created homogeneity p. 141
Authors: Peter T. Leeson
- Broadening the concept of rational economic behavior: A case study of cheese making at the Abbey of Tamié p. 165
Authors: Betsy Jane Clary
- Feminist economics as a Postmodern Moment p. 187
Authors: Gillian Hewitson
- What does it mean to be decentered? p. 195
Authors: Miriam Teschl
- Postmodernism and the individual as a process p. 203
Authors: John B. Davis
- The shifting and Allegorical Rhetoric of "neoclassical" economics p. 209
Authors: William Milberg
- Beyond the Highs and Lows: Economics as a "process without a subject" p. 223
Authors: David F. Ruccio; Jack Amariglio
- How Society Makes Itself: The Evolution of Political and Economic Institutions p. 235
Authors: William M. Dugger
- Rich Democracies: Political Economy, Public Policy, and Performance p. 238
Authors: Tonia Warnecke
- Poverty, Work and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order p. 241
Authors: Albino Barrera
- Common Value Auctions and the Winner's Curse p. 245
Authors: Thomas D. Jeitschko
Journal of Economic Methodology
Volume 14 Issue 2 is now available online at informaworld ( ).
This new issue contains the following articles:
- The experiment in macroeconometrics p. 143
Authors: John Aldrich; Anna Staszewska
- A Gricean analysis of understanding in economic experiments p. 167
- Piero Sraffa: economic reality, the economist and economic theory: an interpretation p. 187
Authors: Neri Salvadori; Rodolfo Signorino
- Meanings of methodological individualism p. 211
Authors: Geoffrey M. Hodgson
- A structure of the consumption function p. 227
Authors: Hsiang-Ke Chao
Rethinking Marxism
The aim of RETHINKING MARXISM is to stimulate interest in and debate over the explanatory power and political consequences of Marxian economic, cultural, and social analysis. To that end, we publish studies that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory. Our concerns include
theoretical and philosophical matters as well as more concrete empirical analyses—all work that leads to the further
development of distinctively Marxian discourses. We encourage contributions from people in many disciplines and from a wide range of perspectives. We are also interested in expanding the diversity of styles for producing and presenting Marxian critiques.
CASE e-Newsletter
May/June 2007
- Ukraine Report Presented to European Parliament and Polish Senate
- CASE Economists Suggest EU Integration as Potential Model for Yemen
- One year of ENEPO Project Complete
- Special Announcement from GDN: Launch of Global Development Competition
Heterodox Books, Book Series, and Book Reviews
Routledge is making its ICAPE Conference 20% discount available for another couple of weeks—see the two links: one of which is the order form and the other is the list of titles available at the ICAPE Conference which are available with the special discount.
Routledge has recently introduced a new programme called Paperbacks Direct which features new and cheaper paperback editions of books previously available only in hardback, such as Phil O’Hara’s “Global Political Economy and the Wealth of Nations”. [Further information on this programme can be found here:
Earlier this year Routledge brought out "Contributions to Social Ontology", edited by Clive Lawson, John Latsis, and Nuno Martins (including chapters by Margaret Archer, Roy Bhaskar and numerous others), based on papers delivered at an IACR conference held in Cambridge a couple of years ago. Unfortunately the book appeared earlier this year
only in hardback. The good news is that it has just been released in paperback. A flyer is attached that allows cheap copies to be bought straight from Routledge . You can also down load the flyer from:
University of Michigan Press
University of Michigan Press is making its ICAPE Conference 20% discount available for another couple of weeks—see the link. The three UMP flagship series with regard to heterodox economics and pluralism are Advances in Heterodox Economics (edited by Fred Lee and Rob Garnett),
Evolving Values for a Capitalist World (edited by Neva Goodwin),
and Economics, Cognition and Society (edited by Timur Kuran and Peter Boettke). The list of current and forthcoming titles in these three series include many names you will recognize from the ICAPE program:
- Ted Burczak, Socialism after Hayek
- John McDermott, Economics in Real Time: A Theoretical Reconstruction
- Edward Fullbrook, ed., Tony Lawson and His Critics
- Steve Ziliak and Deirdre McCloskey, The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives
- Drucilla Barker and Susan Feiner, Liberating Economics: Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization
- David Ellerman, Helping People Help Themselves: From the World Bank to an Alternative Philosophy of Development Assistance
- Nikos Passas and Neva Goodwin, It’s Legal But It Ain’t Right: Harmful Social Consequences of Legal Industries
- Robin Hahnel and Kristen Sheeran, Environmental Economics: A Heterodox Approach
- George DeMartino, I Do Solemnly Swear: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics
- Ric McIntyre, Are Worker’s Rights Human Rights, and Does It Matter if They Are?
- Jonathan Goldstein and Michael Hillard, eds., Heterodox Macroeconomics: Keynes, Marx and Globalization
- David Colander, Richard P. F. Holt, and J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., The Changing Face of Economics: Conversations with Cutting Edge Economists
- David Colander, Robert E. Prasch, and Falguni A. Sheth, eds., Race, Liberalism, and Economics
- Emily Chamlee-Wright, The Learning Society: Entrepreneurship and Social Learning in Non-Priced Environments
- Tyler Cowen, Markets and Cultural Voices: Liberty vs. Power in the Lives of Mexican Amate Painters
- Eirik Furubotn and Rudolf Richter, Institutions and Economic Theory: The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics
- Geoffrey Hodgson, Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back into Economics
- John Harvey and Rob Garnett, eds., Future Directions for Heterodox Economics
The novelty and depth of these projects are indicative of the creative, pluralistic style of heterodoxy that has become Michigan’s hallmark, and which continues to characterize our forthcoming work in the field.
Introducing Economics: A Critical Guide for Teaching
The Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University is pleased to announce the June 30, 2007 publication of:
Introducing Economics: A Critical Guide for Teaching
by Mark H. Maier and Julie A. Nelson
(M.E. Sharpe, $24.00 Paper, $68.95 Cloth)
“Introducing Economics is a pedagogical gadfly prodding our economics thinking by its critical stance while serving as the teacher's best friend through its clear writing, smart teaching ideas, and robust suggested resources. It should be on the shelf of all social studies teachers and teacher
— Bob Bain, University of Michigan
This guide for teachers is designed to help instructors counter the narrowness (and, often, right-wing bias) of many high school economics curriculum materials. Following the outline of a typical high school textbook, it gives a broader view of arguments on
topics including consumption, labor, corporations, the environment, and globalization. In addition, the volume includes a history of the development of high school economics, a description of the competing schools of economics, critical commentary on each of the Voluntary National Content Standards for economics, and an annotated guide to the major organizations involved in high school economics teaching.
“Extraordinarily clear and thoughtful, this guide to economic ideas is certain to become a landmark resource, useful for anyone wishing to cultivate a critical understanding of economics today.”
— Myra H. Strober, Professor, School of Education and Graduate School of Business, Stanford
“Where was this book when I started to teach economics? Giving insight and perspective on economic principles and how they are taught, this text is a keeper—a wonderful resource for the new or veteran high school teacher.”
— Elizabeth A. Porter, Teacher, Westminster High School, Curriculum Coordinator for Social Studies, Westford Public Schools
Order from M.E. Sharpe
Cloth ISBN: 978-0-7656-1675-3
Paper ISBN: 978-0-7656-1676-0
Additional resources related to teaching economics at the high school level can be found at the authors' website, Introducing Economics. For educational materials for the university-level teaching, see
GDAE Educational Materials.
Aspects of Modern Monetary and Macroeconomic Policies
édité par
Philip Arestis, Eckhard Hein and Edwin Le Heron
1. Introduction
Philip Arestis, Eckhard Hein and Edwin Le Heron 2. Does inflation targeting increase the deflationary bias in the world economy?
Basil Moore
3. What is endogenous when monetary policy is transparent?
Peter Howells
4. Monetary policy formation at the long-term margin: a Kahn-Tobin framework Theodore T. Koutsobinas 5. Bank lending and regulation in insider financial systems: a theoretical assessment Elisabeth Springler 6. Monetary and budgetary-fiscal policy interactions in a Keynesian
context: revisiting macroeconomic governance, Angel Asensio 7. Monetary policy from a circuitist perspective Claude Gnos 8. A policy-game framework for the dollar-euro exchange rate Philip Arestis and Elias Karakitsos 9. The new governance in monetary policy: a critical appraisal of the Fed and the ECB Edwin Le Heron 10. AS-AD
disequilibrium dynamics and the Taylor interest rate policy
rule: Euro-area based estimation and simulation Peter Flaschel and Christian R. Proaño 11. How the Maastricht regime fosters divergence as well as instability Jörg Bibow 12. Germany’s post-2000 stagnation in the European context – a lesson in macroeconomic mismanagement Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger 13. Macroeconomic policy in the UK under
New Labour: the end of boom and bust?
Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
The Global Political Economy of Israel
"The Global Political Economy of Israel" (Pluto, 2002), is freely available in PDF form from the website:
Heterodox Websites
Progressive Economics
The PEF has a new home online that integrates the material from the old PEF website with the PEF blog. There are a number of nifty new features that make the new site better looking and easier to navigate. Some new information were also added about recent activity, including the CEA meetings, the inaugural John Kenneth Galbraith Lecture,
and the winners of the 2007 student essay contest.
The new website home page is:
Or to go directly to the blog:
New RSS feed:
BISA International Political Economy Group (IPEG)
IPEG, short for International Political Economy Group, was formed in 1971 on the initiative of Susan Strange, then with the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House. It received a limited amount of funding from the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK in 1974, and became affiliated with the British International
Studies Association (BISA) after that organisation was founded in 1974. IPEG has functioned continuously since 1971 except for a brief interval in the late 1980s , and counts among its past Convenors the likes of Susan Strange, Fred Hirsch, Roger Tooze, Geoffrey Underhill, Randall Germain, Rorden Wilkinson, and Nicola Phillips. Paul Langley
has been Convenor since June 2005.
For Your Information
Marginal Productivity Theory and the Mainstream
I have just released another op-ed titled "Marginal Productivity Theory and the Mainstream".
It is posted on my website at
I believe it is important that we move beyond empirical discussion of income distribution and re-open the theory of income distribution.
Please share this article with others who may be interested.
Tom Palley
The Minnesota Population Center
The Minnesota Population Center is pleased to announce the latest expansion of the IPUMS-International data series. In early June 2007 we added 17 new samples for Argentina, Hungary, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Portugal, and Rwanda. The data series now contains 202 million person records from 80 censuses in 26 countries.
In addition to adding more samples, we have constructed location-of-spouse data for all samples in the data series. The spouse locator identifies the record number within the household of each person's spouse.
You can read more about the expanded data series at As always, if you discover problems with the system or have suggestions for improving it, we welcome your feedback.
We are also eager to hear about the results of research using these data. Please email us citations to any books, journal articles, conference presentations, or working papers you have authored. You can also enter the bibliographic information yourself at
The IPUMS Team
Data Set for Global Citizenship
Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind has created an international data set of experiences that you may find of interest.
In order to meet the challenges of the XXIst century, new forms of citizen’s participation are developing. What is at stake is also the ability to consider the complexity of global problems using innovative approaches and methods of exchange, enhancement, analysis and vulgarisation of information in order to reinforce citizens’ initiatives
that contribute to building global democracy. In today’s world of Internet communication, the challenge of democracy is less that of gaining access to information than that of sorting through the vast quantities of available data to select that which is reliable and relevant, and how to structure it in an intelligent manner, which is the
central question.
It is with this in mind that the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind and Ritimo have created an international data base of experiences dph, which is now up and running in four languages.
We are happy to indicate the on-line address :
In dph you can find:
- an enriched data base of over 7000 experience sheets, analysis, write-ups
- thematic files linked to partner resource sites
- a directory of some 400 authors and structures who have contributed to dph
- a section of tools and methods that describe the philosophy of exchange of experience and tools to structure and enhance information on a resource site
- a call for contributions that this year concerns two files
* Governance of water: the urgent need to change attitudes and practice
* Achieving sustainability via industrial sectors: from production to consumers
The aim of dph is to create collective intelligence in order to build international citizenship, and we hope you will contribute by sending us your experience sheets or files
dph sheets are communicated using the means defined in our editorial Charter which is available on line and may be reproduced, on condition that the source and dph logo are used.
We hope that you will find this tool of use, and that it will inspire you to participate in the political project of organising a global democratic citizen’s scene, by exchanging experience, structuring information and jointly developing knowledge and citizen’s alliances and developing alternative proposals to build a XXIst century of
solidarity and responsibility.
We look forward to hearing from you, and send you all our best wishes
Suzanne Humberset Pierre Calame
Aude Delavernhe Director of the FPH
Erika Campelo
The Ritimo/dph Team
Pour relever les défis du XXIème siècle, de nouvelles formes de participation citoyenne se mettent en action. L’enjeu repose également sur la capacité à aborder la complexité des problèmes planétaires avec des approches innovantes et des méthodes d’échange, de valorisation, d’analyse et de vulgarisation de l’information pour renforcer les
initiatives citoyennes qui participent de la construction d’une démocratie mondiale. Aujourd'hui à l'heure du Web, le défi de la démocratie est moins d’accéder à l’information que de trier au sein d’une masse gigantesque d’informations celle qui est fiable et pertinente, la question de la structuration intelligente de l'information demeure
une question centrale.
C'est dans cet esprit que la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'homme et Ritimo ont créé une base de données internationale d'expériences dph qui se concrétise aujourd'hui dans un site ressources en 4 langues.
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer sa mise en ligne à l'adresse suivante :
Vous y découvrirez :
- Une base de données de plus de 7000 fiches d'expériences, d'analyses, de lectures
- Des dossiers thématiques en lien avec des sites ressources partenaires
- Un annuaire des quelques 400 auteurs et organismes qui ont contribué à dph
- Une rubrique « Outils et méthodes » qui décrit la philosophie de l'échange d'expériences et les outils pour structurer et valoriser l'information sur un site ressources.
- Un appel à contributions qui concerne cette année deux dossiers :
* Gouvernance de l'eau : l'urgence de changer de regard et de pratiques
* Atteindre la durabilité par les filières : de la production à la consommation
L’ambition de dph étant de créer une intelligence collective pour construire une citoyenneté internationale, vous pouvez y contribuer en nous envoyant des fiches d'expériences ou des dossiers.
Les fiches dph sont diffusées selon les modalités définies par la Charte éditoriale qui est disponible en ligne, et sont reproductibles, avec mention impérative des sources et du logo dph.
Nous espérons que cet outil vous sera directement utile et qu’il vous donnera envie de participer au projet politique d’organiser une scène démocratique citoyenne mondiale, en échangeant des expériences, en structurant son information, en élaborant en commun des savoirs, en mettant en place des alliances citoyennes et en élaborant des
propositions alternatives pour construire un XXIème siècle solidaire et responsable.
Dans l’attente de vos nouvelles, recevez, Madame, Monsieur, nos cordiales salutations.
Suzanne Humberset Pierre Calame
Aude Delavernhe Directeur de la FPH
Erika Campelo
Equipe Ritimo/dph
Para estabelecer os desafios do século 21, novas formas de participação cidadã se organizam. A questão está baseada na capacidade de abordar a complexidade dos problemas planetários com abordagens inovantes e métodos de intercâmbio, de valorização, de análise e de vulgarização da informação para reforçar as iniciativas cidadãs que
participam à construção de uma democrácia mundial. Atualmente, no momento da internet, a questão da estruturação inteligente da informação é central. O desafio da democracia está concentrado mais na seleção da informação do que no acesso a esta - no meio de uma quantidade gigantesca de dados - o desafio é encontrar a informação que é
confiável e pertinente.
E’ com este espírito que a Fundação Charles Léopold Mayer para o progresso do homem e a associação Ritimo criaram uma base de dados internacional de experiências dph, que se concretiza hoje em um site-fonte em 4 línguas (francês, inglês, espanhol e português), o qual temos o prazer de apresentar e informar que ele já está em linha :
Você poderá descobrir :
- Uma base de dados de mais de 7 mil fichas de experiência, de leitura e de análises
- Dossiês temáticos com links para os sites-fontes parceiros
- Um anuário de mais de 400 autores e organismos que contribuiram com dph
- Uma rúbrica « Ferramentas e métodos » que descreve a filosofia de intercâmbio de experiências e de ferramentas para estruturar e valorizar a informação nos sites-fontes
- Uma chamada para contribuição, que este ano se refere a dois dossiês :
* Monitoramento da água: a urgência de mudar o olhar e as práticas
* Atingir a sustentabilidade pelas filiais: da produção ao consumo
Como a ambição de dph é criar uma inteligência coletiva para construir uma cidadania internacional, você pode contribuir com este projeto nos enviando fichas de experiências ou dossiês. As fichas dph podem ser divulgadas segundo as modalidades já definidas pela Carta editorial, que está disponível em linha e podem ser reproduzidas
mencionando a fonte e a logomarca dph.
Esperamos que esta ferramenta seja útil e que você tenha vontade de participar deste projeto político, que tem como objetivo organizar o cenário democrático cidadão mundial através do intercâmbio de experiências, estruturando a informação, criando alianças cidadãs e elaborando em comum saberes e propostas alternativas para construir um
século 21 solidário e responsável.
Esperamos poder contar com suas propostas, cordialmente
Suzanne Humberset Pierre Calame
Aude Delavernhe Director of the FPH
Erika Campelo
The Ritimo/dph Team
List of Economic Development Text books for Heterodox Economists 6/2007
Jim Cypher and Jim Dietz
The Process of Economic Development, Routledge (3rd edition due sept. 07)
Adam Szirmai
The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development ( Cambridge University Press, 2005)
Elgar Companion to Development Studies
E. Wayne Nafziger
Economic Development 4th ed.
Philip McMichael, ed.
Development and Social Change, A Global Perspective
Ha-Joon Chang, ed
Rethinking Development Economics (Anthem Studies in Political Economy and Globalization) (2003)
The Elusive Quest for Growth
James Boyce and Betsy Hartmann
A Quiet Violence: Life in Bangladesh Village
Peter Griffiths
The Economist's Tale
Stephen Smith
Ending Global Poverty
Mohammed Yunus
Banker to the Poor (microfinance)
Growth and Development
Richard Pomfret
Development Economics, Prentice Hall
Kiely, R.
Industrialization and development: a comparative analysis. London, Bristol, Pa., UCL Press (1998)
Perilous Passage
Ankie Hoogvelts
"Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development"
Ann Seidman
An Economics Textbook for Africa (London: Methuen and Co., Ltd., 1969; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1980) out of print
Ann Seidman
Robert B. Seidman and Janice Payne, eds. Legislative Drafting for Market Reform: Some Lessons from China , (Houndsmills: Macmillan, 1997) and others by Ann Seidman
Dieter Senghaas
Amit Bhaduri and Deepak Nayyar
Amit Bhaduri
Development With Dignity
Some of the many text in International Political Economy may be useful as well.
"Introduction to International Political Economy" by David N. Balaam, Michael Veseth, Michael Veseth
"International Political Economy" by Thomas Oatley also,"Development Economics" by Debraj Ray
However would require supplemental material as neigher colonialism, nor dependency theory are mentioned in the text.
The two volume set by Jomo K.S. might be useful as well,
"The Long Twentieth Century - The Great Divergence: Hegemony, Uneven Development and Global Inequality"
Edited by Jomo K. S
"The Long Twentieth Century - Globalization Under Hegemony: The Changing World Economy"
Edited by Jomo K. S
Alfred D. Chandler
On May 9, 2007, the business historian Alfred D. Chandler, the author of The Visible Hand, died.